Return of Memoryfest - Day 25/31

Jan 24, 2007 23:05

Horror of horrors, I have not written any classroom-related memories except that one about the spelling word mispronunciation when we were eight years old. And school has been possibly the largest shaping force in my life other than my parents. For shame!

25. High School

It's a strange thing, this combination of egotism and insecurity: to hide intelligence because of the fear of other students shunning you, yet wanting the teacher to know that you know what you know, while also desperately afraid you'll be exposed at any moment as knowing less than you seem to-simultaneously believing you're smarter than most of them and also ignorant in the larger scheme of things. )

memoryfest ii

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thewlisian_afer January 25 2007, 07:12:14 UTC
Ugh. I hated that feeling and I thought I'd get past having to feel it once I got to college where people actually CHOSE to be there. Alas, in my very first Composition class, we were revising old essays as a class so we'd know what the professor was looking for and how she graded. There was a repetitive phrase somewhere in one of them, I can't remember exactly what it was, but the professor asked why she'd marked it to be taken out. I replied with, "Because it's a tautological redundancy." Ha ha! Language joke! The professor laughed. The rest of the class looked at me like I had six heads. Nobody else got it. I was still surrounded by idiots. :(

But that's too new. Something older... And unrelated. Because I enjoy being random.

I've always been a clutz and a half (except when I'm in the city, weaving between people in crowds, for some reason) but the first time it ever seriously caused a problem was when I was in third grade. I was being chased around the playground and in my attempt to get away from the boy in question, my stupid foot got caught in some playground equipment. Since I was stuck, he managed to catch me and push me down. My foot stayed firmly lodged where it was and the whole rest of my body rotated and my tibia broke. It didn't really hurt at first. I got up and tried to go back to playing but I couldn't walk right. The playground monitor told a boy named Danny to help me to the nurse. We managed to get all the way inside before I really didn't think I could walk anymore. So Danny carried me to the nurse's office. And he told me my hair smelled nice. :) It's the first time I remember ever being complimented on something that wasn't academic.

[Deleted and edited because the first paragraph sucked the first time around. I was writing porn in another window. Shh.]


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