Return of Memoryfest - Day 21/31

Jan 20, 2007 22:42

We went stargazing tonight at a small observatory about 60 miles east of here, almost at the end of the north fork of Long Island. After a nice 90-minute lecture on naked-eye astronomy from a local university professor, we went out into the bitter, windy cold so one of the employees could point out the easier constellations and show us some astrophotography in progress. Then we hiked up into their bigger telescope, through which we saw a wavering Saturn (too much disturbance to make out the rings clearly) and the wispy M42 nebula in Orion. The skies were so clear -- cloudless and cold, and with the hour and a half's drive from home came a striking drop in light pollution. Lovely.

Tonight's memory has only the most tangential relation to all of that. We already covered stargazing a couple of days ago. :)

21. Middle School

Sitting on the school bus at the end of the day, waiting to pull out of school grounds and go home, I saw the most picked-on class nerd in the next bus over, pretending to shoot ray guns out the window at passersby.


memoryfest ii

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