Return of Memoryfest - Day 17/31

Jan 16, 2007 22:01

I have read all of your lovely memories as well as your conversations about vision quality and blurry monitors -- thank you, again, for sharing and chatting and generally making life that much cheerier, informative and interesting. I hope no-one is put off when it takes me a while to reply.

And now I shall solicit more comments. More! More, I say!

17. Elementary School

I was staying over at my friend E's house, which was only a few miles from mine and in a similar neighborhood. Her family had a nice, country-style, two-story house, a little bigger than ours and with a bigger back yard. Her bedroom was on the second floor like mine. They hadn't turned on their air conditioners that cool summer night, and her windows were open. I remember lying on my back in the spare bed in the dark, listening to the strange sound of crickets chirping in a silence foreign to a child raised in a house with central air conditioning.


memoryfest ii

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