Return of Memoryfest: Day 8/31

Jan 07, 2007 22:31

(Thought I'd jazz it up with some of these icons. Retroactively.)

8. Middle School

My friends got mad at me on that trip for reading so much. )

memoryfest ii

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Comments 22

nicocoer January 8 2007, 05:23:07 UTC
when we moved to Utica, We left behind a lot of my brother's books. A couple years ago, I went back and dug through the mess left behind and found old copies of Tarzan's adventures, Comic books, and choose-your-own-adventure novels. I loaded them up into a box and took them to the Utica house. I think I still have them in my room at my parent's house today.



bironic January 9 2007, 01:47:23 UTC
Nice. It's going to be a real trip down memory lane one day when I open up some boxes in the basement where my parents (and, later, I) stored books from my childhood.


kabal42 January 8 2007, 05:33:03 UTC
When I was eleven I first read "Lord of the Rings". Some time not too long after (I re-read it numerous times very fast) I was telling my mother about it. I was completely enraptured and told her that Tolkien had created this complete world - perfect detail. And she tore into me for wanting to live in another world. That wasn't at all what I meant, but she probably did sense that I didn't want to be in this one - and did my best to live in book worlds all the time.

(And I just caught up, so if you have a multitude of replies, that's just my memories *S*)


thewlisian_afer January 8 2007, 05:49:55 UTC
I sympathize. I take a lot of crap from my mother for getting so much enjoyment out of sometimes retreating into the worlds of books and movies. Stupid parents. :(


kabal42 January 8 2007, 15:57:21 UTC
You have my sympathy in return. To my mother's defence, she got a lot better at accepting my imaginative way of looking at things. She did have a second big "blow-up" when I got really into roleplaying games. I think that one made her worry a lot. But I guess that the fact that I grew up and became relatively responsible and aware of my surroundings made her stop worrying - after a while ;-)


thewlisian_afer January 8 2007, 21:59:17 UTC
Oh, man, roleplaying. I got into online roleplaying when I was about nine years old. Over the years my mother went to some crazy measures to keep me from it. Hiding the computer's power cords, putting all kinds of resrictions on my access, blocking email from usernames that weren't family, etc. Eventually she calmed down and stopped with the Big Brothering my accounts. I started playing again and just didn't mention that's what I was doing.


thewlisian_afer January 8 2007, 06:00:58 UTC
Odd word associations are fun. One weekend in high school I was staying at my friend Ashley's house. We were out in her back yard sitting around a fire with her parents and her little brother, drinking (yes, underage drinking, we're all going to hell) and roasting anything we could find in the fridge/freezer/cabinets and would stay on a stick. I don't even remember how the hell the conversation started but somehow we got onto the subject of how Ashley's dad had recently sold their lawnmower. (The riveting topics of rural life...) Apparently, he wasn't happy about it -- again, I can't recall why. But his wife turned to him, gave him the most mournful look and said very sadly, "Do you feel remorse?" XD We all burst into laughter until we couldn't breathe at the superb overacting on mom's part. And to this day I can't help giggling or at least smiling any time I hear the word 'remorse.' Unfortunately, this is not the sort of word you usually want to smile at...


bironic January 9 2007, 01:48:06 UTC
Ha. No, not the best word to giggle at, but it's a funny story.


mer_duff January 8 2007, 20:56:41 UTC
I started reading when I was three (Pat the Pilot while waiting in the car for my mother to pick up some groceries) and have never really stopped. In fact, my first childhood ambition was to be a reader (admitted after my aunt caught me reading the old newspapers I was supposed to be wrapping glasses in during a move).

A friend gave me a guidebook for Buenos Aires this Christmas and then chided me for reading it in the bar - what did she think I would do with dozens of new pages of text!?


thewlisian_afer January 8 2007, 21:54:35 UTC
hahaha Indeed! Yesterday afternoon my best friend got all the texts for this semester's classes and it was 2 in the morning before she actually started looking them over. I was completely amazed. I was like, "Shit, son, if I were you, I would've been completely ignoring me all night and burying myself in those books instead of chatting!" "But they're my textbooks." XD Yeah, well, I just got a huge order from B&N that mostly consisted of textbooks which I plan to read for pleasure. Books are books and they're meant to be read!


bironic January 9 2007, 01:57:21 UTC
I was definitely one of those people who start reading textbooks before classes begin, because they're new and exciting and contain all sorts of information that you can know.

And add me to the textbooks-for-pleasure club. *points to newest additions of werewolf, fanfic/fandom and Pathology texts*


thewlisian_afer January 9 2007, 02:03:54 UTC
We're such geeks. I love us. XD ♥


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