Have Yourself a Merry Little Housemas

Dec 13, 2006 17:35

Sick last night, maybe from dehydration. Went to bed immediately after House wondering if my eye, head or stomach would explode first, and was haunted by the image from the next-to-last scene all night in between graphic dreams, the last of which featured a prolonged escape attempt and getting shot and enlisting the help of the head of our billing department to slice into my right wrist with a scalpel to extract the bullet, but the incision opened my whole forearm about an inch deep (weirdly, there was no blood, but I could see all the layers of skin and fat and nerves and muscles) and we had to go to the hospital to get it stitched closed, only it took so long to find the place that the wound had mostly sealed itself up into a long, dotted pink scar. And at one point House was there, so drunk he was slurring, the alcohol loosening his self-control enough that he used his observational/intellectual skills to help his friends for a change and in his usual "you are all idiots" tone was telling Wilson and then Stacy exactly how to solve their problems.

Who knows. I've had far stranger dreams, but the thing with the bullet and nerve fibers was the most vivid of late. I blame House and the fact that when I woke up, both my arms were crossed under me and tingling.

Still feeling weird today. Haven't read everyone's episode reactions and haven't written mine yet. Getting there. All I can offer right now is this list of some of what I want to touch on in the actual recap, if I get around to it more than I thought.

House 3xWhatever: "Merry Little Christmas"

- Loved the opening scenes, with the ironically jaunty music and House, Wilson and Tritter's intervention/conversation in which they covered everything that needed to be covered, which was nice because we didn't have to wait for it. All the spoken and unspoken dynamics among the men in that room-Wilson and Tritter joining forces to achieve the same goal but for different reasons, Wilson pleading for House to be reasonable, Wilson stepping back to let Tritter have a go because he's had no luck, House pissed at Wilson for taking the enemy's side, House and Tritter butting heads over something that at its heart has nothing to do with the investigation... All there, brilliantly conveyed, and so quickly. You could tell from the teaser that it was going to be a swift, tight episode.

- So the oncologist thought it was cancer and the immunologist thought it was autoimmune, and there were possibly more instances of this in the big diagnostics scene in Cuddy's office. Way to learn from House's teaching, people. He's been trying to break you out of your specialties, get you to see a diagnosis outside your little boxes, for going on three years now (or four, in Chase's case, but he took the sullen brat backseat this week while nursing his bruised ego jaw). Clearly that's been effective.

- In fact, the episode was riddled with instances of characters not having learned things, or coming to the same conclusions they did at the beginning of the season or last season or first season. More on this when I can remember half of what happened last night, but what I do recall is House being surprised that Foreman's willing to get him his pills so he can do his job (hello, "Detox"? "Take your damn pills"?), Cuddy realizing (again) that House solves cases nobody else can despite his reckless behavior and appalling tactlessness, Wilson realizing (again) that Vicodin allows House to focus enough to save patients, Cuddy and Wilson realizing (again) that House is an addict but also a chronic pain sufferer and oh my God could this plot get any more repetitive? Wait, it can-House refusing to bend to the big scary bully despite increasing threats, and finally taking a deal only to have the deal changed on him, and costing his friends their jobs, and...

Bonus points for consistency, though: Cameron turning her nose up at Wilson for his inferior morality, Wilson getting peeved at her in turn, Cameron sniping at Cuddy for doing something "unjust" to House, Foreman getting/trying to get House's pills for him, House hurting himself to dull the leg pain (everyone say it together: HOUSE IS A CUTTER!), Tritter having his job instead of a family (alone in his office at 1:30 a.m. on Christmas), Wilson being totally incapable of sustaining a lie... er, and other stuff.

- Cuddy had some great moments, facing off against Wilson for going over her head (poor guy, he was sure he had an ally there) and telling House she was willing to kill one patient now and make him take the deal. Which of course turned out not to be true.

- Please tell me I am not the only one who had a blinding moment of OMGWilsonandTritteraresofucking when they were both sitting in the car. Seatbelted Wilson again, and nervous laughter, which I imagine is part nerves and part patented master manipulator method of disarming other people, only it doesn't work on Tritter, which is consistent with his ineffectual hair-smoothing at the end of "Que Sera Sera."

Now, what was up with Wilson saying, statistically, better House than him? Is that supposed to mean that House saves more people than he does? Impossible, with the difference in case loads. That House saves a higher percentage of his patients than Wilson? Entirely possible. That House is better at diagnosing than Wilson? Also possible, but that's why House is the head of Diagnostic Medicine and Wilson's a specialist. If Wilson seriously thinks House could do more good at the hospital than he can, he's more depressed than I thought. And that's awful.

- Moment of random delight: There were blinky lights and garlands hung up by the blinds, a Christmas tree in House's office (in the far corner, not the tiny one on the table), at least two Hanukkah ornaments, one of which was shown just before the Wilson and Cameron scene, and a menorah on Cuddy's bookshelf. And a brief reference to House as Santa Claus during the opening song. (See "Welcome to Whoville" ficlet if you have no idea what this is all about.)

- I still love Tritter and David Morse's portrayal to pieces, even though his investigation boils down to a personal vendetta.

- House looked like crap. Like, crappier than in the lows of "Detox." Good job, makeup department.

- Confirmation that he's tried other drugs and they don't work. Good to know. All the more reason people should be realizing that they're not dealing with a simple case of addiction (if it's a case of addiction at all, and I'm really tired of even thinking about it), but with a CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERER who has found that nothing helps but this specific drug.

- First (and hopefully last) instance of House mixing drugs and alcohol. Man, that was sad, when he called his mother. I wonder if he didn't deliberately time the call so they'd be at the relatives' house, or so that he had a good chance of missing them, because part of him didn't really want to talk to them, only make the effort and then tell himself he was really alone.

- The next-to-last scene. God. I can't think of another moment on the show that has stuck in my head like Wilson tripping over himself to get to House and then making sure he's okay before leaving him there. I'd thought House laughing in Wilson's face about spending Christmas Eve together was painful, but that topped it. Much as it hurt, badly, to see the two of them acting so (seemingly) awfully all episode-much as I wanted them to be nicer to each other-there was really nothing else for either of them to do. Wilson still thinks it's best for House to be off Vicodin and still cares for him despite being pushed away again and again; he tried to contact him several times after being rebuffed, and though he's got to be used to his messages going unanswered, he came over anyway, and let himself in even though House could just have been ignoring him, and then that panic when he saw House on the floor... Yeah, no question that he still cares, a lot. Leaving House on the floor was for his own good. Wilson can't let himself help anymore; he's helped since the infarction, probably, and look where it's gotten both of them. Or rather, now his help has to come in the form of unyielding insistence on managing, rather than abusing, his pain meds. On abandoning him when he acts like a drug addict. And it must have worked, because next thing you know, House decides to take the deal.

It's almost sweet, now that I think about it-Wilson told Cuddy earlier that the way to get a child to do what you want is to take something away from him that he wants. Taking away the Vicodin didn't do it, but taking away his friendship did. House can't steal another Wilson from a pharmacy.

- WHEN, for heaven's sake, are we going to find out something about Wilson's brother? So many missed opportunities, again, the most memorable of which was Wilson saying that House will tell any story to get the drugs he wants, sounding as if he's been through it before and knows all too well how an addict will take advantage of him. He knew to check House's pocket for the oxycodone just as he knew to steal back the joint in "Need to Know"; did his brother used to swipe drugs in front of him? He made his decision to cut House off and he stuck to it, which may have cost him House's friendship (but won't, once House starts dragging himself up from rock-bottom), much as he may have cut off his brother from drugs or money and cost him that relationship. MORE, dammit!

Yeah. Glad we're on hiatus again, because it's going to take some time to digest what's going on. Downside of watching episodes only once while exhausted.

* * *

Post-ep fic: "Merry Little XMas" by kiwi_from_hell (Wilson and House, 170 words), "This Is How It Ends" by theninth (Wilson and House)

Note to self: Commentaries to read: elynittria-not-noydb, daasgrrl, firestorm717, fallen_arazil, stephantom, topaz_eyes, asynca, bethctg, bettina_elvina

house: commentary: s3, dreams

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