Sestina!fic #1: House post-infarction

Nov 05, 2006 23:00

So those sets of six prompts I requested back in September? The big secret is that I've been playing around with some sestinas. (Yes, I am that much of a geek.) For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, it's a type of poem consisting of seven stanzas where the same six words appear at the ends of the lines in a different order in each of ( Read more... )

poetry, my writing, sestina!fic

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leiascully November 6 2006, 11:24:50 UTC
Zowie. This is going in my mems for a number of rereads. I was intrigued by the idea, and it's come out amazingly well! The sestina form works for you.


bironic November 7 2006, 14:21:53 UTC
Oh, splendid. Thanks so much. That passage in your House/Wilson fic with the shampoo bottles (which, if I haven't mentioned it lately, I love) really gave me a kick in the seat of the pants to finish these up.


leiascully November 7 2006, 18:18:15 UTC
I am well pleased that I could write something that would stay with you! By the way, recced this at TWOP, hope you don't mind.


bironic November 7 2006, 18:32:18 UTC
Mind? Of course not! usomitai pointed me to the forums post yesterday and I was (and still am) thrilled.

Yep, I definitely took that paragraph and started a file for fic quotes that read like sestinas. It's good inspiration.


leiascully November 7 2006, 18:48:29 UTC
I am very flattered. And I'm going to read your sestina over and over as I write tonight's SmutTuesday fic, because you've made something as close to perfect as it gets.


bironic November 7 2006, 18:59:55 UTC
*blushes some more*

That's... well, wow, thank you. Though of course nothing's ever perfect, right? I'll be making a tweak or two to it later thanks to some stuff jadesfire2808 mentioned.

There's something fitting about reading a repetitive poem repetitively.


leiascully November 7 2006, 19:04:33 UTC
Isn't there? Especially in the autumn, somehow. I think it's partly that Northern France is so foggy.

I'm extremely fussy and I think it's almost perfect, but that's what readers are for! Your sestinas feel like dancing. Today's was a light and lovely waltz; the first one was a painful shuffling sort of dance but still gorgeous, very House.


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