
Jun 27, 2019 21:23

HA HA, surprise, my landlady is selling the apartment after all! This news comes 48 hours before I fly overseas for 9 days, plus I am gone the week straddling July and August as well as a long weekend in mid-August for Fanworks, which means I am in for the pre-September crunch I was dreading, minus the month I just lost where I could have been apartment hunting. (I didn't want to apartment hunt if I didn't have to. I've written 6,500 words of fic in that time and had some quality get-togethers with friends. Still.)

At least... I don't have to agonize about the decision anymore, because it's been made for me? The Boyle family way.

Ugh. Gonna try to put it out of mind and focus on conference/vacation. Switzerland!


Meanwhile: People are into the Good Omens adaptation. I didn't have many feelings about the book years ago and haven't watched the show yet. Been bookmarking your stories and recs for later, though.

And RIP Billy Drago. :( AV Club story, and Most recently mentioned at the bottom of the Northern Exposure vid post here.

Originally posted at, where there are

fic writing (or lack thereof), complaining

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