Fanwork roundup 2017

Dec 31, 2017 15:34

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I posted seven vids this year: five for Festivids and one each for spring and fall Equinox. There are two more in progress for the current Festivids; we'll see if both reach the finish line.

But stopping the summary there would underrepresent my total vidding effort, because a huge amount of time went into preparing the Fandom Trumps Hate auction vid for Sigrid Ellis, in particular recruiting a small army of volunteer guides and watching or skimming unfamiliar media sources-at last count, more than 30. The bulk of the work has now tipped over to file processing, clipping and the beginning stages of editing.

Nov. 12/Feb. 11
Behind Blue Eyes (2001: A Space Odyssey)

Dec. 21/Feb. 11
Sunny Days (Dark City)

Jan. 7/Feb. 11
Something's Going Wrong (Waxwork)

Jan. 18/Feb. 11
Going through space with the world (Chris Hadfield RPF)

Jan. 25/Feb. 11
She Walks in Beauty (Let the Right One In)

Jul. 31
Best of Enemies (DS9)

Sep. 29/Oct. 7
When I Go (American Gods [TV])

--- (Festivids fandom redacted)

Abbreviated end-of-year vidding meme!

"Behind Blue Eyes" was the most popular of the bunch. "When I Go" was the most beautiful, IMO. Also the most misleading of advertisements for the canon, ha. I think "Best of Enemies" and "When I Go" were most successful at pleasing their recipients. The ongoing auction vid has been the hardest to make. "She Walks in Beauty" is my least favorite, but I'm glad I finally made it after all those years it spent on the Festivids ideas list.

Sexiest moment, hm. Probably something in "When I Go"; the Jinn's hand sliding along Salim's on his sweater? The other moments that touch me the most are Oskar hugging Eli in "She Walks in Beauty" and a whole slew of things in "When I Go," including Thoth closing his book and looking into the middle distance, not-Sweeney reaching for not-Laura's hand and Anubis holding Mrs. Fadil's hand, Anubis looking steadily at the camera, Salim's tearful eyes, and the closing clips of 'the lone and level sands stretching far away.'

A thing I learned: to trust my gut that when a song match presents itself that feels brilliant, either for comic or other emotional-impact reasons, just go with it, despite the seeming obstacles and internal counter-arguments.


All I wrote this year were bits of various unposted Mary Sue stories. On the one hand, that's good because a few years ago one of my year-end resolutions was to get back to those personal writing roots. On the other hand, it doesn't make for great fannish community building when I don't post a fic for 16 months.

Meredith and Alastair (and Daniel): Healing, later (Original fic)
+1,785 words

The therapy part of sex therapy (Vampire Chronicles)
+491 words

Revised aftermath of Armand attack (Vampire Chronicles)
2,500 words

Hotel restaurant (RPF)
1,176 words

Day two at Makor's (DS9)
+170 words

Okay, well, no, I did post two previously written snippets: a >10-year-old Willow/Giles scene and a 3-year-old DS9 Mary Sue hurt-comfort scene (locked, sorry! you can request access if you want).

Fanwork stats

Vidded: ~10m 50s (same number of vids but slightly fewer minutes than last year)
Gen: 4
M/M: 1
M/F: 2
Fandoms: 8 + the multivid

Written: 6,722 words (half of last year's total, which was itself half the previous year's)
M/F: 5
Fandoms: 4


How did we do on last year's goals?
✔ Round out the vids in progress for a proud total of 5 Festivids
✔ Do the "Fandom Trumps Hate" auction and ✗ probably the VVC auction again
✔ Try out the new equinox_exchange (spaaaaace)
✔ Write more, especially Mary Sue stuff; continue rediscovering and expressing the evolving id
✗ Finish Jinni/Dustfinger fic
✗ Get back to Inkheart OT4 fic?
✗ Take concrete steps toward repurposing existing stories for pro erotica publications
✔ Meet with new "behavioral therapist" to get at the roots of procrastination, mood stuff, negative self-talk, etc. - I suspect this will help with fannish activities in addition to RL
✗ See also: Make judicious use of the ColdTurkey program
✔/✗ Hope there is practical and mental space to do these things while grappling with next year's sociopolitical environment

2018 vidding goals:
- Finish the auction vid before WisCon
- Make other auction vid for deelaundry
- Make something for the last Vividcon?? Pressure!
- Make at least one vid that isn't for someone else-the vampire Mary Sues vid of my heart, probably
- Co-mod the multifandom vidding panel at Vividcon
- Learn at least one of these programs designed to capture streaming video

2018 writing goals:
- Keep it up with the Mary Sue tinkering
- Experiment with adjusting day-to-day habits to try to write more; maybe take time off work when the writing bug bites?
- Finish the languishing Jinni/Dustfinger crossover fic!!
- Post more media reviews, yikes

Favorite media of the year

An interesting year in that books struck me more than other media. Usually the movie list is longest. Maybe a function of following my own tastes and curiosity at the library in 2017 vs. watching a lot of media for vid purposes that wouldn't normally pique my interest. Also unusual that the TV shows I most enjoyed were on the lighter side; that's almost certainly because of the state of the nation and the world.


Novels & Novellas
Binti and Binti: Home - Nnedi Okorafor
The Stone Sky - NK Jemisin
Lincoln in the Bardo - George Saunders
The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

Short Story Collections
So You Want to Be a Robot - A. Merc Rustad
Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang
Vampires in the Lemon Grove - Karen Russell
Tenth of December - George Saunders
Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy 2017 - ed. Charles Yu & John Joseph Adams
Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy 2016 - ed. Karen Joy Fowler & John Joseph Adams
Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy 2015 - ed. Joe Hill & John Joseph Adams

Comics & Graphic Novels
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl vols. 1-4 - Ryan North & Erica Henderson
The Vision vols. 1 & 2 - Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, Jordie Bellaire
Saga vol. 7 - Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples

In the Body of the World - Eve Ensler

Get Out
Stalker (1979), Solaris (1972)
The Shape of Water

Runners-up: Coco, The Lego Batman Movie, Moana, Attack of the Crab Monsters, Lion

Sarah & Duck
Stranger Things
The Good Place
People of Earth

Favorite repeated & ongoing TV: BtVS S1-2 (rewatch), The Expanse S2, Girls S6, Grantchester S3, Doctor Who season whatever-we're-on

Also of note: Star Trek: Discovery

NEW (to me) SONGS

"Familiar" and "Golden Green" - Agnes Obel
"The Night We Met" - Lord Huron
"Fáinleog (Wanderer)" and "The Pilgrim's Song" - The Gloaming
"The Queen of Hearts" - Offa Rex
"Shape of You" - Ed Sheeran
"Butterfly (Come My Lady)" - Crazy Town
"Tam e Eshq (The Taste of Love)" - Niyaz
"Hard Love" - Needtobreathe
"Two High" - Moon Taxi

Misc. personally meaningful fannish events, in chronological order

- Lim published Videlicet
- Readercon
- Vividcon
- Linnea's book reading
- Weekend writer's retreat with
- Met Jon Campling with
- Universal Studios/Harry Potter World with synn
- Potlucks at Seah & Merry's
- Fangirl Thanksgiving
- December D.C. trip with
deelaundry & bonus

Originally posted at, where there are

fic writing (or lack thereof), fic list, vidding

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