Ketchup, part 1

Nov 14, 2017 19:14

My car got smashed when I wasn't in it!

Sunday morning I went outside to drive to an appointment, only to discover that the entire street-facing side of my car had been destroyed overnight in a hit-and-run. Shattered windows, caved-in doors, and enough of an impact that not only my car but the car parked in front of it had been shoved several feet forward. No indication of who did it other than a scrape of red paint. Hooray!

(Click for bigger)

So I'm awash in phone calls and paperwork. Currently waiting to hear whether the police department thinks there's enough evidence to mount an investigation and for the insurance company to set a date to inspect the damage. TBD whether they'll total it. Life would be simpler if they didn't.

All that said, I'm actually doing fine. Although it was unfortunate to have selected that particular parking spot on that particular night, I'm very lucky that I wasn't in the car when it was hit, that I didn't hit anything or anyone while driving, that the insurance company hasn't given me a hard time (yet), and that the worst annoyance so far is that I missed this opera adaptation of the Burke & Hare body-snatching story I was really looking forward to on Sunday and am out the $50 ticket. The seats were arranged like an old-fashioned surgical theater! Alas.

That, and I'll have to figure out how to run certain errands over the next several weeks when my coverage doesn't include a loaner car.

People still read my fic!

In better news, someone left a trail of kudos on the AO3 the other day and it made me particularly happy because it wasn't for vids and it wasn't all in one fandom. Instead, they liked two gen SGA stories, my two Beauty and the Beast fics, my two Vampire Diaries fics, and my X-Men/True Blood crossover, which I am still proud of for the character voices.

Given my sensitivities about identifying as a writer while not having written much fic these past few years and building more of a reputation (I think) for vids, it makes me feel good that someone liked a cross-section of my stories, even more so because it didn't seem to be dependent on their passion for a single fandom or kink or even rating.

Originally posted at, where there are

fic writing (or lack thereof), how do i even tag this, hashtag first-world problems

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