Right. So a tip from a co-worker and a visit to the website shows that tickets for Lestat went on pre-sale Wednesday for AmEx card-holders. I ask you: Why collect email addresses on your website if you aren't going to tell your subscribers that TICKETS HAVE GONE ON SALE FOR THE PLAY THEY'RE OBVIOUSLY VERY INTERESTED IN SEEING? I'll soon be contacting all of you coming in March and/or April so we can pick definite dates and double-check that you're okay with Broadway ticket prices.
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George Takei -- Sulu, for you non-Trekkies -- came out yesterday to the Associated Press (who chose an embarrassing photo to complement their splash article), having just spilled the beans in Frontiers magazine. Takei is one of the more embittered Trek actors, always bitching about how he and everyone else hates William Shatner, and Sulu was never one of my favorite characters, so I haven't given him much thought over the years. But this is an interesting development.
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Wednesday I was yelled at & hung up on by a client at work for something that didn't require yelling or hanging up and wasn't even my fault, which he knew. I know I shouldn't take that sort of thing personally but I don't handle confrontation well, especially not over the phone, and it took a few hours to regain momentum. On the bright side Atara Stein's book was waiting in the mail for me. Then it was time for
synn to take off for YaoiCon in San Francisco, but again, consolation arrived a few hours later in the form of an email from one of my original favorite Marauders fic writers saying she'd heard about my conference paper and was wondering if she could read it. And how.
I'm 2/3 of the way through The Byronic Hero in Film, Fiction and Television now, which is generally fun, if a little repetitive. I'm getting a kick out of having used 90% of the same relevant sources and about half the same quotes from them that she did, and so far, after sections on Manfred, Childe Harold, Heathcliff, three Clint Eastwood films, Lestat & Louis, the Sandman, and Q, she hasn't eclipsed what I am hoping to do. More on this when I'm finished. I just wanted to share that I got the book off eBay and should have expected something like this to happen, but it seems to be an unpolished version of the book -- I don't know the publishing term for it -- where some of the typos haven't been fixed yet. Every so often, just when you've forgotten it happens, a letter gets switched; some h's become backwards apostrophes, and strange things are going on with o's, a's and g's. So every now and then Stein turns Cockney and mentions the Byronic 'ero, and then she'll go inner-city girl with "the vampires' constant search for meanang." It's funny, but it would have been nice if the seller had included a warning in his product description.
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Am going to the ballet tomorrow with my manager. Whether this is more or less sad than going alone has yet to be determined.