Festivids reveal #1: "Sailboats" (Master & Commander) for rhi

Feb 13, 2016 08:38

I made two Festivids this year. First, here was my actual assignment.

Title: Sailboats
Fandom: Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World
Pairing: Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin
Rating: PG
Music: by Brooke Fraser (edited)
Length: 2:12
Summary: A love song and a lullaby.
Content/physical notes: None, I don't think.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to R. and
cinco for watching the first draft and assuring me that the song wasn't too saccharine.
A/N: Made for Festivids 2015-2016 for
rhivolution, who wanted some Aubrey/Maturin in love at sea. Originally posted here and here.

Streaming on Vimeo | AO3 | Download mp4 (21 MB) and captions

image You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com

Lyrics (edited):

We're adrift on a sailboat
My love is the sea
Yours is the horizon
Constant and steady

You set my limbs locked hard afloat
Lifted my lonesome sails
The tide is out, the moon is high
We're sailing

Darling, your love is healing
It makes the bitter sweet
Warms the winter to spring again
Secures the cold's defeat

We're cutting anchor
Casting out
Into the glorious deep
The tide is out, the moon is high
We're sailing
We're sailing
We're sailing

I'd never vidded something this sweet before, which made me nervous; but friends gave reassuring beta feedback, and here we are. The sequence where Stephen pulls the bit of shrapnel out of Jack's neck still feels awkward to me -- I would've preferred something about Stephen's doctoring in general, playing on the "your love is healing" line, including poor little what's his name who lost his arm, but I just couldn't make the available footage work -- but I really like the quiet nighttime sequence, Jack and Stephen's introductions, the crew singing, and, as rhi requested, the clips of their duets toward the end.

Comments and concrit are always welcome as I try to improve my vidding.

Originally posted at http://bironic.dreamwidth.org/329466.html, where there are

festivids, vid

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