Arctic rambling

Jan 06, 2015 20:43

(Because it's finally winter outside, and because this post contains... well ( Read more... )

fandom is a wonderful thing, weather, i can't believe i'm posting this

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Comments 11

laurashapiro January 7 2015, 02:52:09 UTC
FWIW, when I met you I thought you were totally cute. But of course, your opinion of yourself is the one that matters here. I'm glad you've embraced your geekery and general awesomeness, even if you can't completely avoid the toxic sludge of women's body image issues.


bironic January 8 2015, 00:35:10 UTC
Thanks, and yeah, well put. If only positive reinforcement could sink in.

On the bright side, turns out the county library system does have Steerswoman, and I requested it today. When I'd checked soon after your original recommendation, it looked like they only had a later book in the series, but it seems it's one and two packaged together under the confusing name "Steerswoman's Road." ANYWAY, SOON IT WILL BE IN MY HANDS.


laurashapiro January 8 2015, 14:44:05 UTC
Excellent! I'm excited that you get to read it -- and it seems to be enjoying a bit of a fandom renaissance, so you should have plenty of people to talk to about it.


flywoman January 7 2015, 04:49:56 UTC
On my most recent transcontinental flight, I sat down next to a reasonably attractive guy around my age (or maybe a little younger) who had a copy of Anathem with him. When he pulled it out, I said, "Good choice," with a smile, in the hopes of striking up a geeky conversation (since I had really enjoyed reading it myself). He made a sort of wordless grunt and then started reading. I wondered whether he had laryngitis, or was pathologically shy, or some such. Nope. When the flight attendant came by with drinks, he was all amiability in his interactions with her. I felt hugely self-conscious and annoyed for about six seconds before I just shook my head and went back to my own book.

Which is really to say, kudos to you for being open to having those conversations (maybe the next step will be initiating one)! And thanks for pointing me towards Captain Awkward.


bironic January 8 2015, 00:28:58 UTC
That's the thing, right? You never know when one of those attempts/encounters will be welcome and when it will be annoying. On the attempting or receiving end.

Captain Awkward is great. Your thanks get passed along to cincodemaygirl, who recommended it to me a couple of years back. She's right that the advice is almost always spot-on, and on the rare occasions it misses the mark, the (equally savvy and experience-sharing) commenters are there for counterpoints.


kassrachel January 7 2015, 16:11:35 UTC
Just a drive-by note from a faraway airport to say: hii! and you are awesome.


bironic January 8 2015, 00:23:29 UTC
Hi back! Stay warm. ♥


stultiloquentia January 7 2015, 23:26:31 UTC
1. Captain Awkward is great.
2. So is Saga.
3. So are random public transportation conversations. I had an adorable one the other day with a young man who wanted to know what the hell was that vegetable sticking out of my bag? It was brussels sprouts still on the stalk, and then the girl in front of him wanted to know what I was going to do with them, so I told her about that, and my farm share, and she carefully wrote down the name of the farm. :)
4. Uh. You are hot as hell. Fuck Hollywood or whomever, seriously, fuck it in the ear, it knows NOTHING.


bironic January 8 2015, 01:04:01 UTC
1 & 2: Truth! I finished Saga today and was reminded how many great things there are in it. Also amused to read Brian K. Vaughan's comment from a while back that he wanted to make something too expensive for TV and too dirty for a mainstream movie.

4: You are sweet. I wish I could believe and internalize comments like that. I wish I knew a way to talk about stuff like this without sounding like I am being falsely humble or fishing for compliments. I hope to find resources that help with all that.

3: Cute! Also, "what the hell was that vegetable sticking out of my bag" makes an excellent euphemism. Is that a Brussels sprout stalk, or are you just...? It's funny how many veg go on the list of foods marketed in the U.S. in forms enough removed from their natural state that seeing how they actually grow (or what the animal actually looks like) can be downright confusing.

Hope you're staying warm over there. <3 *blankets*


stultiloquentia January 8 2015, 01:38:54 UTC
Obliged to comment just so I can use my lewd butternut.


bironic January 8 2015, 01:40:45 UTC


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