Weekend update and House fic appreciation

May 07, 2006 21:30

Serendipity! Someone started a thread on the house_md community for people to post their House-related dreams, so you are all spared the detailed description of the one I mentioned on Wednesday. There are eleventy-million comments already and it's only been up a few hours. A few of them are hilarious and some others are drool-worthy.

Isn't fandom wonderful? I really do mean that.

Have spent a relaxing weekend reading House fic, listening to Death Cab for Cutie's "Soul Meets Body" and The Raconteurs' "Steady As She Goes" (fic-reading marathons just beg for small playlists on repeat, don't you think?), having a sushi/Blade Runner/Hustle evening with synn, planting tomatoes, sawing flakeboard, sneezing (gah, allergies finally kicked in), ordering some fun stuff from the library and Amazon.com, and getting started on my Slayage conference paper, not that it needs to be done and polished for presentation at the end of the month or anything.

Oh yes -- and I made this icon, which I adore beyond reason. That scene in "Euphoria" Part 2 was begging for it.

The glorious thing about being increasingly obsessed with House and its fanfiction, I am finding, is that it doesn't entail the angst/depression/longing of Buffy, the Vampire Chronicles or Wolverine/Rogue (X-Men movieverse), or the all-consuming heart-tugging tragedy of the Marauders or the darkness of Snape-centric Harry Potter fic. House... just makes me feel good. Don't get me wrong, the show and its fic isn't brimming with sunshine and daisies -- hell, House is a tragedy in himself, and these characters deal with death on a daily basis --, but I enjoy the stories wholeheartedly and guilt-free. It's nice.

And gods, but there's a lot of excellent House fic out there. Maybe it's because I'm starting from people's rec lists and a few fests, but really, it's amazing how much quality work there is, or rather how high the proportion is of great fic to hit-"back"-button-after-the-first-paragraph fic. I'm collecting links to my favorite stories as I go. Soon I'll compile them into a post, but for now if you're interested, and if you don't mind that they're in no particular order and all the non-LJ ones are left out and the tags probably make no sense to anyone but me, you can look here.

Either way, I want to rec a few at the moment as stellar examples of the sort of literary experiments authors are conducting and pulling off, and the sort of constraints they're voluntarily working within. Namely:
  • "Moments" by thewlisian_afer - Part of the 1sentence challenge, this consists of 50 discrete sentences, each stemming from a prompt word. It's not in chronological order, everything ties together, and her writing is alternately stark and lyrical. Beautiful. Wilson/Cameron.
  • "Counting" by stormmedicine (my lovely House het ficathon prompter) - Told backwards in segments like "Memento." Wilson/Cameron.
  • "Seconds (of Chinese food and Cameron)" by pennycase - Part of the James Wilson Fic100 challenge, this is told in 100-word drabble segments. House/Wilson/Cameron.
  • "Ballerina" by finding_jay - Series of interconnected drabbles that made me think of a sestina for its recombination of words and images. Cuddy/Stacy.
  • "House in haiku" by simple__man - As you might have guessed, it's told entirely in haiku. House/Wilson.
  • I am also going to mention, though I haven't read it yet, "UBI AMOR IBI OCULUS EST (Metaphysics: The Ticket That Exploded Remix)" by rue_de_hoquet. No ordinary remix, this was cut up by hand in the tradition of William Burroughs and re-arranged and fleshed out, turning the original work into something entirely new but composed of the same pieces. She explains in her author's notes.
'Tis all. Night!

fandom is a wonderful thing, dreams, fic recs: house, house: commentary: s2

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