Things to post about:
- Reaction to Man of Steel vs. reaction to Star Trek: Into Darkness
- Thoughts on last 50 Shades book (before I forget even more of what happened)
- Health/food/activity
- Emotional resources needed for upcoming NY trip
I owe many people comments and emails and I'm really sorry about that. I will get to them.
For now:
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Comments 4
(I commented-and-deleted to her that I didn't feel kinkshamed by her post; I hope she sees that. I deleted it because I didn't want anyone who did feel so to feel they needed to debate it with me.)
I felt that way after the first few episodes aired, until this season, when I tried to pay attention and understand how all the kingdoms fit together, since it might add further dimension to the story. Problem is it keeps cutting so my brain has trouble making a map!
I remember reading the books and that it was like LOTR, in that I'd get mildly hacked off when the POV changed to some other protagonist, and then I'd get sucked into that story, and then I'd get mildly hacked off when it changed again, and so on.
Heard that was a huge problem with the Wheel of Time books, too - so many characters eventually that whole books would go by without having room for everyone.
Where are the fusions where Tyrion and Rodney jointly keep John Sheppard as a sex slave? Huh?
Ha - I'd read that. Probably. :)
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