Uh, whoops. One month, no posts. Hi!

Mar 05, 2013 19:01

In February I felt great and did a lot of RL things. In the form of a meme, it might look like this:

Did: Probably many if not most of you will sympathize when I say that I do best when I have something to focus on (a.k.a. obsess over), and in the past six weeks or so it has taken the form of homemaking. After years of hedging on properly setting ( Read more... )

growing up, hot hot photos, tmi, the vampire diaries

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Comments 10

browngirl March 6 2013, 00:59:05 UTC
Hi! It's good to see you on my flist! I wrote a bunch for the Porn Battle and I read a lot of stupifity. And I made crunchy delicious hamentaschen -- I'd love to get your soft recipe.


bironic March 6 2013, 01:45:51 UTC
Hi! This year I used holli's recipe. Doubled, because we weren't sure how much it made -- answer, enough to feed family + my office! http://holli.dreamwidth.org/350802.html

Saw a bunch of reposts go by on your journal -- need to check 'em out. Congrats on getting some writing done on your hiatus!

Thinking good thoughts for you in general.


recrudescence March 6 2013, 01:04:33 UTC
Nommmm, hamantaschen! And it's been my experience that succulents are really hard to kill, so good luck and godspeed.

Oh, and your alien sex book sounds seriously intriguing and I'm glad you made such a discerning purchase.


bironic March 6 2013, 01:49:44 UTC
I admit to being a bit ashamed to have browsed the wonderful, hole in the wall (or hole in the alley) store with synn and then walk up to the register with only that for purchase. Heh. But with a title like that, and with contributors like Neil Gaiman, Sam Delaney and Joyce Carol Oates, who could resist?

Oh, on checking, the title appears to be Off Limits: Tales of Alien Sex. But still.

That is reassuring re: succulents. I suspect they will need a grow light if they survive the repotting, anyway, since my windows are north-facing and even the spider plants reach toward the blinds.


daasgrrl March 6 2013, 08:13:46 UTC
Probably many if not most of you will sympathize when I say that I do best when I have something to focus on (a.k.a. obsess over)

Ha. Also, delicious pastries I had never heard of and Sextraterrestrials, REALLY? Oh dear, Joe. Also, I am not here either, but I am :)


bironic March 6 2013, 14:15:46 UTC
Indeeeeed, *shifty spy eyes*

I really could not say no to a book with a chapter called Sextraterrestrials. Even if the poems don't live up to the title. Surely there will be gems between the covers. So to speak.


amnisias March 6 2013, 08:39:57 UTC
That's a really spacious studio you've got there. I'm a sucker for wooden floors, and luuuuv the colour of the settee - it really makes all the difference, it's so much more dynamic now!
And ohh, look, there's a Xander! And you payed for Smiley to have con photographs taken! ;)


bironic March 6 2013, 14:18:56 UTC
Ha, that was me scrambling when I realized I'd uploaded a photo with my face in it. And a Xander, yes!

Thanks for the kind words about the slipcover and stuff! & yes, it's a nice big room, about 450 sq ft with kitchenette, bathroom and closets. It would be really nice to have a separate bedroom, but in this building at least, that means two smaller rooms, you know? (And $.) And the windows wouldn't be so prominent. Also, I'm given to understand that few of the apartments here still have the parquet floors showing - most have been covered with standard white-ish carpet.


mific March 6 2013, 10:44:34 UTC
Accent walls are great - I like deeper colours and my main space has kind of apple-green walls (I call it surgical green, like scrubs used to be), with mid blue, deeper green and red furnishings. I really like your couch colour. Succulents are hard to kill but yes, they'll need some light. And very little water! I'm currently immersed in alien sex, doing art and a fic for Tentacle Big Bang. :)


bironic March 6 2013, 14:21:06 UTC
Whee, tentacles. Good luck!

Apple green sounds nice. It would look great in the kitchen here, but I'm probably not allowed to paint in there, so I've been keeping an eye out for bright contact paper & such. Until then, there's a paper paint chip taped to the wall. :)


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