I'm not dead, I've just had a persistent case of the blahs lately. Trying not to post when in a poor mood does make for a quiet little LJ sometimes.
I could point to reasons for the general lack of energy and enthusiasm-not sharing any fandoms right now for the most part, not being active enough, donating blood, needing a vacation, getting a freelance job that means more work this month, finishing Battlestar Galactica (more on that later), being pathetic when it comes to relationships, reading a Slate article and finding out a high school classmate just made a splash in the YA feminist novel world while I am still dithering around-but there are equally as many reasons to feel good, like my sister having been in town for a day, enjoyable hangouts with friends,
con_txt and a performance of Riverdance coming up this weekend, nice weather, the chance to go swimming when it's not storming, and the flip side of the freelance job, which is that I will get some spending money. *shrug* This, too, shall pass. Today seems better.
Game of Thrones season two came and went while I was BSG-ing; definitely want to catch up on that. But then True Blood started last night, and I missed the last few episodes of The Vampire Diaries, so I will have to figure out when to watch what.
Movie-wise, life feels like this lately:
fandom: Avengers! Avengers Avengers Avengers! Steve Clint Tony Bruce Natasha Phil Thor Loki Joss yay!
bironic: …Prometheus?
fandom: AVENGERS!
Reviews for Prometheus have been mixed, so my expectations aren't high, but my ♥ will always belong to science fiction before superheroes, so. Maybe I can go see it before Friday when the con starts. Mostly at this point I'm struck by how much
Noomi Rapace (also ♥) in the promo photo looks like Angela from Odyssey 5.
Hope you're all doing well.