So, July happened.

Aug 01, 2011 19:54

I've had a handful of recurring dreams since high school: where the car brakes don't work, where I'm late for a school exam and I can't even remember having taken the class, where I'm being hunted by dinosaurs, and more recently, where the sea looms with huge, overwhelming waves. Last week I managed to have a dream where I was being hunted by dinosaurs while on a boat that was being flooded with huge, overwhelming waves. On the funnier side, the T. rexes at some point turned into sharks with possibly Australian accents like in Finding Nemo.

Despite the above implications, life has been pretty good lately. I am remembering how to be slothful without hating myself, and I met someone attractive at a party who seemed to enjoy talking with me. There was a birthday and a baseball game. I just got back from finally finding a passable bathing suit (shopping for a bathing suit in the summer is apparently unclassy; half the stores have already replaced their displays with fall and winter coats), and the store was near a kosher grocer that sold all sorts of goodies, like fresh seedless marble rye bread and stuffed cabbage. Score!

Starting Friday, this month there will be weekend trips to visit people I like but don't get to see very much. With my mom having been sick, I didn't take any proper time off this year; and in part because of my friend's wedding/prep, I didn't last year, either; and the year before that was grad school. With luck, next summer there will be an actual vacation to somewhere I haven't been before-plans are taking shape for Finland and possibly Sweden.

I hope to write some ficlets while sitting in the bunch of airports this month's travel requires. There are Kink Bingo ideas percolating. Maybe even a Porn Battle snippet? Or maybe I will fail at everything like usual and just read a book.

dreams, life is good

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