Yes, I posted because of the picture.

Mar 08, 2011 22:41

I am like five episodes behind on House and now you are all posting about how neat last night's was and by the time I get around to it the buzz will be gone, alas! *clutches hair* But I do have a long-percolating vid idea for all the seasons of the show and I want to talk to you about it at some point. I will be needing your help.

2. This photo ( Read more... )

so much for no more lists, vidding, hot hot photos

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Comments 6

blackmare March 9 2011, 05:43:07 UTC
For what it's worth, I think last night's show stands on its own incredibly well, and that if you watch it out of order, I really don't think you'll feel like you are missing any of the pieces of the picture. At all.


bironic March 10 2011, 00:12:53 UTC
Hm. Good to know. Although I'm still hesitant about being spoiled for things that may have happened in the intervening time. On the brighter side, I may not be as far behind as I thought.


alpheratz March 9 2011, 13:26:10 UTC
bironic March 10 2011, 00:15:13 UTC
Ha. Trying to be Dinosaur Comics too, I think. I like the Eames one and the one with Earth and the meteor. Poor crying dinosaurs.


anatsuno March 9 2011, 14:27:38 UTC
Mary Sue fic? *perking up with interest*


bironic March 9 2011, 16:28:31 UTC
Mm, yes. Along the lines of these:


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