
Oct 29, 2010 18:01

Dear friends: Some stuff is going on right now, and the good/neutral things are only most of the time balancing out the bad thing. Therefore I am taking license today to complain, even if about far less significant matters.

Unpopular fannish opinions, edition the first


  1. Eames / Tom Hardy is not attractive. I'm sorry; I said it. He looks like my cousin. My cousin who is not attractive.

  2. Arthur / Joseph Gordon-Levitt needs another decade before he can be called handsome. (That doesn't mean I don't like watching him in stuff. Especially when he is dancing or faking orgasms.)

  3. Eames/Arthur in and of itself does nothing for me. The subtext for that pairing in the movie was far less interesting than for pairings like Cobb/Saito, Eames/Yusuf, Arthur/Cobb, Cobb/Ariadne, dream!Mal/Ariadne, Arthur/Ariadne, Saito/Fischer, and Saito/Fischer Sr. (And why is Nash fic not popular?) There have been many fantastic Arthur/Eames stories, but almost as many of them would have worked just as well if one or both had been substituted with other characters. Looking at the piles and piles and piles of Eames/Arthur fic really hammers home how the rare pair 'shippers must have felt when John/Rodney dominated SGA fandom.

  4. It is really weird how a majority of fics took the characters in the movie and turned them into a permanent team, no questions asked. From the sound of things, they work with Eames occasionally; Yusuf came special-order for the gig; Saito had one specific job he wanted to accomplish; Ariadne has to finish school; and see next item re: Cobb. Yes, there are ways to pull some of them together believably. Ways to bring them all together again. But it takes explanation. They're not all just hanging out in a warehouse somewhere taking odd jobs. However, as roga said when trying to explain to me why so many people glomped on to this movie, fandom does love its teams.

  5. Also? [SPOILER WARNING] IMO, Cobb is in a limbo coma at the end of the movie. Not frolicking around with his kids, taking extraction jobs when he feels like it. That ending was too perfect to have been real. (Why was Miles waiting in L.A.? Why did everything go exactly right? Why were his kids exactly where and how he'd expected them to be? Etc.) I think I've seen three stories where he's been in the hospital and someone has gone to try to rescue him.

    Well. I suppose that's the same thing that happened [SPOILER WARNING FOR SGA S5] after "Vegas," when most everyone fanwanked away the death scene so they could write post-ep stories.


  1. There are convincing arguments to be made for House/Cuddy and House/Wilson. Fandom means never having to choose. I find these vicious 'ship wars baffling.
  2. I like Thirteen.
  3. …I should probably catch up on the last 3 episodes and get the scoop from deelaundry on the lastest fandom idiocy so I can better comment.


  1. I love secessionist!Sheppard as much as the next person, but I don't think canon John is attached to the Pegasus galaxy & its issues & even Atlantis so much as he is attached to Teyla and Ronon specifically.
  2. Katie/Rodney: adorable.
  3. Keller/Rodney: terrible for each other, but not evil.
  4. John/Rodney: not automatically MFEO.

*grump the second*

Things I wish I never had to read again:

  • "amber liquid"
  • "feet planted"/"feet flat on the mattress"
  • "bemused" when you mean "amused"
  • "woah"
  • "yea" for "yeah"
  • silicon vs. silicone
  • vice vs. vise
  • …Crap, I had a whole list of these but I seem to have misplaced it.

Anyway. Feel free to grump with me or offer happy things. I'll be computer-bound most of the weekend. Except tonight, when I am going to see The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, because I need deserve a movie after this week.

sga, i am not talking about inception, complaining, house: misc

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