Weekend with the be fri, and after

Sep 15, 2009 19:09

synn was here (yay) and synn is gone (boo). I had a really nice time-we always do-and I think she got a good taste of the city in the two days we had, since we either deliberately or inadvertently wound up seeing:

  • Thousands of healthcare bill protesters down in Penn Quarter
  • The White House (from the outside, on the Rose Garden side)
  • The Washington Monument ( Read more... )

house: misc, friends

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Comments 13

synn September 16 2009, 00:13:28 UTC
accidental McDonald's, like we just fell into the hamburger and french fries.

: )


bironic September 16 2009, 22:47:44 UTC
I swear, the fry fell into my mouth. It fell into my mouth ten times.


synn September 16 2009, 22:55:34 UTC
yes, exactly.


daasgrrl September 16 2009, 02:00:26 UTC
I've heard Vampire Diaries is pretty terrible. Thoughts? I must say that just hearing it's

accidental McDonald's

Is there *cough* any other kind?

Also, I like the T-shirts, the Yale student made the news down here (eep!), and I hadn't seen the medical advisor interview, but now we have someone to blame XD


bironic September 16 2009, 22:56:38 UTC
Is part of your Vampire Diaries -- which I was about to abbreviate until I realized that would be VD, although it's kind of appropriate -- opinion missing there? :) I think it's not great. The books were also not great in an objective way, but they had everything you needed in a yearning/obsession-inducing YA vampire melodramatic love story. Angst and Mary Sues, but not a Mary Sue as irritating as Twilight's. In the show, Elena has personality. Everyone knows her and talks about her, but I think in a way that's consistent with attitudes toward popular people in high schools. Stefan (the vampire hero) is bland. Damon (the evil vampire brother) is weird-looking and not super-compelling so far. Some people are already into the slash there, but it's not my thing. There's a lot of diary-writing on the hero and heroine's part. I don't remember if that was in the book so much. Could go very wrong very fast ( ... )


daasgrrl September 16 2009, 23:49:49 UTC
Ooops! I was probably interrupted halfway through and didn't bother picking up my train of thought. What I was going to say was that I feel far too old for 'teen' shows nowadays, vampire or no. I'm not even watching Glee, which I feel in theory is my kind of thing, but I'm just 'pah, kids' XD

I appreciate the rundown though! I just couldn't quite believe that there was yet ANOTHER vampire show jumping on the bandwagon - I know they've always been around in a low-key kind of way, but we seem to be inundated with them recently. Actually, in that light, VD seems kind of appropriate!


bironic September 17 2009, 00:03:59 UTC
Twilight made me mad because I could have done it. True Blood at least did something interesting. VD... we'll see, I guess. Seeing as how they're all based on books, they should be able to take the creative energies that would've gone to plotting and characterization and channel them into doing something above-average.

And yeah - why Edward and Stefan both decide to go to high school is beyond me. I guess Stefan wanted to be with Elena allllll throughout the day, but wouldn't they, like, want to avoid all the work and pettiness? It would be just as easy to say you're a college student nearby or something.


topaz_eyes September 16 2009, 16:35:36 UTC
Nope, this post is the first mention of the article I've seen.

From the article: I also read the scripts to try to keep them from making mistakes. But if they think (a change) is going to cost them in terms of drama, the drama and comedy will always win out.

Well, at least she tries. But I wonder how frustrated she feels when the drama/comedy do win out, y'know? I'm not a medico (I know just enough to be, y'know, dangerous) and I'm damn frustrated at it. /bitterness

Your weekend sounded awesome. And busy! I'm exhausted just reading your list.

The Yale student though--wow. I can't fathom that at all. :-(


bironic September 16 2009, 22:59:43 UTC
Yeah. Bizarre and sad.

Re: the interview: I went to a panel last spring where scientists and showrunners talked about what it's like to be scientific advisors for Hollywood. It was interesting. One scientist told the audience not to take the opportunity to preach or teach, but to try to be as accurate as possible within the demands of dramatic narrative. That seemed like a healthy and workable solution. The problem with House is that there seem to be so many moments, even plots, that could have been made plausible within those same constraints but weren't. Not that this woman is entirely to blame, since the show has many advisors. And I remember another article, maybe from Doris Egan, a couple of years ago, about how even when something is taken verbatim from an anecdote or journal paper, different doctors will protest its accuracy. But yeah, it must be frustrating.


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