Vid! "I Get A Kick Out Of You," House-Wilson friendship

May 29, 2009 13:36

Aw, it's my first vid.

Title: I Get A Kick Out Of You
Music: Frank Sinatra
Rating: PG
Length: 3 mins.
Summary: Fluffy happy House-Wilson friendship (or slash, if you prefer), heavy on the early seasons. No spoilers.
Beta: Thank you to my vidding filter for feedback, especially queenzulu and kassrachel for technical help, and also jadesfire2808, thirdblindmouse and daasgrrl for concrit.
A/N: I had ( Read more... )

house: misc, vid

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Comments 60

purridot May 29 2009, 17:48:26 UTC
I was smiling all the way through this; it was absolutely adorable. You chose perfect tongue-in-cheek shots to accompany the lyrics!


bironic May 29 2009, 19:50:46 UTC
Aww, yay. Mulling this over for a couple of years made it easier to get started, knowing what I wanted to see for certain parts (Three Stories, plane, drugs, cane, MRI). I'm so happy you liked it.


kassrachel May 29 2009, 17:53:16 UTC
Yay, you posted! I still think it is fabulous; it fills me with glee. Cocaine! You give me a boot! All of their ridiculous juvenilia! Oh, Wilson. Oh, House. &hearts!


bironic May 29 2009, 19:51:59 UTC
! :)

This was a lot of fun to do. Besides all the stuff that didn't work and I still have to figure out properly for future vids, that is. Heh. Thanks again for being around to see it through, and for the rec!


nightdog_barks May 29 2009, 17:59:10 UTC
Aw, that is really sweet! Such lovely clips!


bironic May 29 2009, 19:49:43 UTC
Thanks! I really had a nice experience going through all the early-season stuff, remembering the happier, simpler times. Happy to hear that made you smile, too.

(And, good to see you over here. ♥)


topaz_eyes May 29 2009, 18:12:48 UTC
First vid! They grow up so fast...

This is such fun! Great choice of clips--they fit the lyrics really well. I have to admit, I thought it was corny to see the pan up Wilson's body at "And I suddenly turn and see/Your fabulous face." But in a good way. :-D

I thought "The End" at the end was jarring, though. Part of me wondered, is this a declarative statement on your part? That they may never be like this again? *worries*


bironic May 29 2009, 19:47:58 UTC
Uh-oh -- unintentional, but I completely see where the ominous message comes across. Won't be doing that again! I just meant it to be cute, but it does look like an RIP. *sheepish*

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed most of it. The pan is cheesy, isn't it? But then, so is the whole vid, so I don't mind. :)


crysothemis May 29 2009, 18:19:14 UTC
This made me grin start to finish. What fun!


bironic May 29 2009, 19:46:47 UTC
I'm happy to hear it! Even after a week of listening to the song over and over (and over and over), it still makes me smile. Good old Sinatra.

(Stay tuned later this summer for a really-not-cheerful SGA one set to Dylan -- if I can pull it off.)


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