I'm bummed that
Star Trek: The Experience is closing. A friend just told me last night, and it's closing on Monday. For a crazy few minutes, we talked about the feasibility of getting plane tickets there and back before the semester starts. But of course that would not be the best idea, so here is an in memoriam post about it instead.
DS9 was one of the top two most intense fannish experiences I've ever had (up there with Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and I looked forward to being able to walk down the
life-sized replica of a section of the Promenade one day, complete with second level and a full-service Quark's Bar. I've had a few opportunities over the years to go out to Vegas -- the only real attraction of which for me was the Promenade, besides "having been to Las Vegas" -- but I always pushed it back for a more convenient time. I figured the Promenade would still be there. And now it won't be. (To add insult to injury, rumor has it that the larger props and sets will be destroyed when the exhibits are dismantled, as shipping is too expensive.) Alas.
In happier news,
elynittria drove down today for lunch* and Scrabble, and it was lovely. Two introverts, both alike in dignity, managed to make an entire afternoon of pleasant conversation about work and school and life and fun and film and food and flight and fandom and words and various miscellany. Like I said to her as our time together drew to a close, neither of us ran away screaming, so with luck we'll be able to do this again sometime.
LJ: It can be a wonderful thing.
* At the Miracle of Science Café, where one orders from the
periodic table of menu elements. Sometimes I suspect the area around MIT is geekier than MIT itself.
elynittria suggests I wait to pass judgment until I know the school better.
Snippet of conversation at dinner last night, when nine of us were trying to calculate what we each owed, between food, orientation subsidy, tax and gratuity:
Me: Can't we make the mathematician do this?
Mathematician: No, I do pure maths. We don't work with numbers. Make the economist do it.
Economist: Oh, no. No. We just assign variables to things.
In the end, we all did what any large group does when splitting the check: tossed in some bills and hoped it totaled properly.