1. SGA 5.3, "Broken Ties"
Were we not just watching an extended metaphor for sexual domination? We had bondage and unwilling penetration, repeated penetration as a method of brainwashing and subjugating a captive, the giving and taking of a life-giving fluid, the Wraith savoring the announcement that he'd been waiting to have Ronon serve him, constant talk of submission, Ronon's groin highlighted when he was tied to the wall in the Wraith facility, the faces the Wraith made as he fed and Ronon made as he was assaulted, Tyre chopping off the Wraith's dick penetrating hand as revenge, etc. More subtext for Sheppard forced to knees, since this time it was at a certain height in front of a male.
Don't have much else to say about the episode; thought it was uneven, dull in the beginning, a bit predictable after Tyre recovered, scenes oddly quick for Ronon's fall and recovery (though the withdrawal montage had some good moments for Ronon and the team; man, poor Ronon, realizing he'd just lived his worst nightmare). Had to rewind to check whether Ronon or Tyre had attacked the Wraith. Was that Tyre's sword Sheppard gave Ronon at the end, or Ronon's? Thought Ronon's had had a wicked hook near the hilt.
elynittria pointed out that it was disappointing they didn't compare Tyre's and Ronon's enzyme withdrawal to what Rodney went through in "The Hive" (or the rest of the team's, for that matter); there were also lost opportunities to mention Ford, esp. after having brought him back for Sheppard's dream in the premiere, and to liken Ronon's dwindling people to the fact that Teyla's down to a handful of Athosians.
I liked the slower pace of the conversations, especially when Teyla was on screen. Bonus points, SGA writers, and really nice performances from Rachel Luttrell and Jason Momoa.
Thought it would've been cool if Tyre had had the psychic connection to Ronon it seemed they were going for as he thrashed in the infirmary, so the team could've heard what was going on in Ronon's head while he was tortured.
I like how John has grown up since the first season and matured from smirking at his superiors to holding back what he clearly wants to say and instead carefully acquiescing to Woolsey and asking his permission to go on missions. 'Course, that fragile façade could shatter as soon as there's a real crisis and Sheppard strikes out on his own, a bit like we saw last week with the 'jumper-through-the-tower maneuver.
Rodney had some choice moments-a mix of earlier season's silliness ("I always said it was a long shot"/"I knew it!", not being able to plan well [shouldn't he be better at thinking ahead and anticipating places where things could go wrong, as a successful scientist?]), field competence, dorkdom (trying to recreate Archimedes' epiphany), and yay-it's-canon-now (talking to himself at Ronon's bedside). Of course, Sheppard's "I'm not taking a bath with you" was priceless; the perfect mix of gen!Sheppard (repulsed by the idea) and slash!Sheppard (the fact that he thought that's where the conversation was going). And go Lorne for finding where Tyre had taken Ronon.
The rest is over at
roga's. Also ref:
2. Yay!
McKay/Sheppard hotness by
perspi. Hot, urgent, stream-of-consciousness encounter on a humming alien world, and did I mention hot? (now unlocked)
Lawn Guy by
deelaundry. House, Wilson, a diner, an anecdote, and a full dose of dialogue-only banter.
Alternating Current by
nightdog_barks. Rodney McKay awoke one morning to find that he'd been transformed into a part of Atlantis. (now unlocked)
The Shallow End by
euclase. A strange and beautiful moment between House and Wilson at an empty swimming pool.
"The Pretty Peculiar Pegasus Pesach" audiofic by
jadesfire2808. Just a perfect rendition of
Guilt by
usomitai. Wilson/Crandall ficlet.
cartooooon by euclase -
Betrapped by
mer_duff 3. Fun with Fonts
A million thanks to
synn for this link. Computer fonts incarnate! Meta and camp and aphasia! Video here:
Font Conference.