SGA 4.18 ("The Kindred, part 1"), and other stuff too

Feb 22, 2008 23:44

Dear Sci Fi Channel,

If, as the earnest voiceover suggests, your main hook for the next episode is, "You won't believe what happens in the last five minutes," and it seems that those last five minutes may be important and suspenseful, DO NOT SHOW THE TWIST IN THE PREVIEW THAT YOU AIR A THOUSAND TIMES IN THE DAYS LEADING UP TO IT.

Thank you.

Quick-quick highlights of tonight's episode: )

sga, movie reviews, articles, house: misc

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Comments 11

nightdog_barks February 23 2008, 05:08:48 UTC
*is sad*

I wish I had gotten to see this episode, but we were at the wedding and besides the hotel TV doesn't get the Sci Fi channel. We'll watch it next Friday.


bironic February 23 2008, 05:09:50 UTC
Well, you'll get to see part one and part two right after each other, like they should be watched.

And, hi!


nightdog_barks February 23 2008, 05:18:02 UTC

Hi. I'll have to write about the guy at the reception who really liked to take photos of the bridesmaids when they were dancing together.

The bridesmaids dancing together, that is. And how the pastor invited God to the wedding and mentioned Jesus six times (I counted).

Did you know that wives were supposed to submit to their husbands? *rolls eyes*


kimberlyfdr February 23 2008, 13:51:50 UTC
I am loving the evolutionary step Michael has taken. VERY nice!


bironic February 23 2008, 16:11:02 UTC
Figuratively and literally, eh?


elynittria February 23 2008, 21:58:43 UTC
If, as the earnest voiceover suggests, your main hook for the next episode is, "You won't believe what happens in the last five minutes," and it seems that those last five minutes may be important and suspenseful, DO NOT SHOW THE TWIST IN THE PREVIEW THAT YOU AIR A THOUSAND TIMES IN THE DAYS LEADING UP TO IT.

YES! I was (and am) incredibly pissed at SciFi for ruining this episode. That said, I hope the returning character will soon disappear or die again for good. I haven't missed him a bit.


bironic February 23 2008, 22:10:42 UTC

Yes, I'm betting he'll only be around for part two, and while I'm mildly curious as to how they're going to explain his presence, I will not be sorry to see him go again.


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bironic February 24 2008, 15:58:44 UTC
Heh. Cool. I just thought it was partly hilarious (in a farcical sort of way) and partly horrific.

Re: Carson, I was thinking a clone, but with a Replicator you'd be able to preserve his knowledge, which is what Michael needs him for. That would also tie this in to the mess SGA made of the Replicators, who've been dropped since mid-season. Unless they've got a new explanation up their sleeve.


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bironic February 24 2008, 16:33:00 UTC
LOL, oh God I hope not. And yeah, having been spoiled, I had (Michael and) Carson in mind when Rodney found that the Hoff library had been sacked and again when Michael told Teyla he'd had help. So. Yes. It has to be some kind of mind-preserving process.


jadesfire February 25 2008, 14:57:56 UTC
I'm starting worry that I'm reading my friend's minds before I read their reactions - I swear, I wrote mine before reading yours, friendshipper's or xparrot's, yet at least one of my points is in each of yours...Very synchronous ;)

Ronon and Rodney watching each other behind John and Teyla's backs was officially the cutest thing in the episode, with Rodney 'Mozart is good for babies; this is better' McKay only slightly behind. It could have been a 'get at Rodney' part, but I liked that they played it as serious, and Teyla taking it as meant, rather than as the ego-trip we could have seen it as.

I'm with you on all these points - especially Michael vs Todd. So want to see that! I also want to know what Todd's real name is. Wraith don't seem to have them, which I find strangely fascinating...


bironic February 26 2008, 18:42:52 UTC
Todd is holding back so much information from them, it's not even funny. I hope that one day they'll reach a level of trust with each other and he'll start to reveal details of what Wraith life is like. You know, if he doesn't die fighting Michael or something.

at least one of my points is in each of yours...Very synchronous ;)

The phrase "hive mind" is especially appropriate in SGA fandom, don't you think?


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