Hm, I do not have a Chuck icon.

Jan 24, 2008 21:47

Does anyone watch Chuck and SGA?

So they've already done fanon Rodney with that supergenius kid a few months back who was recruited by the CIA when he was a kid and kept in a bunker where he designed weapons and played video games and watched sci fi movies and had no friends.

Anyone watch the first episode tonight and not think that John Casey = John Sheppard on at least two occasions?

We had Teyla Chuck confronting Casey in the Daedalus mess hall employee break room about his inability to express his emotions. I'm quoting from memory, probably badly, but it went something like:

"If you want to go around being emotionally constipated for the rest of your life, then sit there and don't say anything and I'll let you go back to working for the greater good, you ... robot!"

Sheppard is infamous in canon and fanon for his endearing and frustrating inability to Talk About His Feelings. And who hasn't called him a robot or a Replicator before? See also: "Doppelganger" and "Male Enhancement (The Soul & Company Store Remix)."

Poor Casey, nursing heartbreak and being utterly unable to process it or talk about it because he's so damn repressed and grunty. Much easier to shoot things and beat people up.

Tangent: Wouldn't it be nice if Sheppard opened up once in a while like that to a friend? If he unburdened the story of his marriage to Ronon over a couple of six-packs, or told Teyla more stories about his college friends, or had a serious talk with Rodney about these supposed Kirk tendencies? I know, I know, everyone would be all, Who are you and what have you done with the Colonel, and Sheppard wouldn't be Sheppard without that emotional retardation (and people say Rodney has issues!), but still, it's fun to think about.

And, oh, when he said that he doesn't want or need to live the American dream because he's going out there protecting the people so they can have it? Even though he does want it? Tell me that isn't Sheppard all over.

Then, at the end, it turns out the only woman Casey's ever loved, and ever had a chance with, was a fellow spy. Spy/spy is the only way to go; as Chuck pointed out, Casey's job is too dangerous and unpredictable for him to ever be able to settle down and have white picket fences and 2.5 children with an ordinary 9-to-5 woman. It's like John and Larrin, no? Two fighters, two commanders, both unconventional, both fiercely loyal to their people and their ideals. Both hot, and hot for each other. *g* That equality of position makes a relationship possible. Casey/Ilsa = John/Larrin = Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie in Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

In other news, the blatant slashiness of Captain Awesome and all males in his presence continues to amuse.

sga, chuck

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