Funny, not all that long ago some old summer camp songs popped into my head and I posted lyrics for my flist. My favorites were always the ones with a bit of a gross-out factor. I remember dreading singalong time because the camp I went to was completely overrun with girls who thought we should sing Kumbaya or whatever ALL NIGHT LONG as a FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO PART ROUND. Dude, all I really wanted to sing about was gopher guts and swallowing worms with your soda. Screw that "Make new friends but keep the old" crap. XD
Nobody loved that song like me. After the "and I forgot my spoon" line, I always belted out, "BUT I GOT MY FOOOOOOOOOOOORK!" All by myself. Because nobody else thought it was as funny as I did. ALAS.
XD Yeah, I was just thinking maybe later I'll try to find my microphone so I can sing about gopher guts for you. Right now, though, I need a short nap. The universe conspired against me a bit this afternoon and my brain needs to be put on autopilot for a little while.
OMG! Had no recollection of that song until just now!
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