Mission reports in 17 easy syllables

Dec 24, 2007 16:31

So Pru was talking about how Sheppard must write totally unhelpful mission reports such as "We went to the village. There was a pony," and her examples got me thinking about him writing them up as haiku just to be difficult. Such as this one ( Read more... )

poetry, my writing, sga, house: misc

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Comments 50

deelaundry December 24 2007, 22:26:01 UTC
From Wilson:

Broken-hearted man
of fire choked Cameron - hee hee.
House said sorry. YAY!


bironic December 24 2007, 23:12:54 UTC
Hee - I'm picturing that written with little heart-dotted "i"s in Wilson's diary.

Rabies case revealed
That Wilson has two brothers.
Nice: a mystery.


deelaundry December 24 2007, 23:56:07 UTC
I do not use heart
dots, he said indignantly,
erasing madly.


nightdog_barks December 25 2007, 00:12:49 UTC
Why can't I write short?
Dee asked, and proved herself so
Wrong, with haiku bunnies.


deelaundry December 24 2007, 22:30:01 UTC
From House:

Red's not my color.
I'll make an exception for
him, matched with purple.


bironic December 24 2007, 22:46:47 UTC
I am stumped!


deelaundry December 24 2007, 22:51:48 UTC
Words & Deeds. Remember what House was wearing in the courtroom? YUCK.


bironic December 24 2007, 22:56:00 UTC
Ha, no, I do not, although I wondered if you meant the tie.


perspi December 24 2007, 22:35:13 UTC
Genii invaded
Kolya wanted Atlantis
I did not agree


deelaundry December 24 2007, 22:45:02 UTC


perspi December 24 2007, 22:47:43 UTC
Ooooo, gun porn. :)

Now I need to think of a House one...


bironic December 24 2007, 23:09:56 UTC
:D The lack of punctuation makes it all the funnier.

Wraith made us see ghosts.
I shot Ronon and McKay.
Typical mission.


deelaundry December 24 2007, 22:38:33 UTC
Who knew sitting in
a chair would lead to something
so out of this world?


bironic December 24 2007, 22:57:08 UTC

Through the misty gate
We found ourselves on not-Earth.
Zombies were the key.


perspi December 24 2007, 23:11:04 UTC
I'm an arrogant
ass but it's not like I blew
up a sun--oh, wait.

(Also? This isn't helping me finish my story scene...)


bironic December 24 2007, 23:13:58 UTC
It was five-sixths of
a solar system; when will
you get over it?



perspi December 24 2007, 23:24:09 UTC
hah! You're not really sorry. And I'm actually having a lot of fun. It's a good way to avoid the family, and it's kind of a relief that I don't have to watch Z. Although I'm going to need to go soon...

Maybe I'll be able to post my story segment tonight!


bironic December 24 2007, 23:27:41 UTC
Yay story segment and family avoidance -- I mean, gatherings -- and having some free time from the baby.

Here is a goodbye present:

Ignored McKay's ad-
vice. Six months meditating
was my punishment.


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