Aug 02, 2007 00:39
I was 'introduced' to a guy last night who talked to me with the minimal amount of words and effort humanly possible, in a way that suggested he thought he was far too cool and aloof to crack a smile and wouldn't lower himself to talk to me in a friendly manner, like I was a real person... And this is the attitude of many people who associate themselves with supposed 'alt' communities and 'alt' clubs like that one. I'm not surprised by the difference in how people act towards me when all my pink has been washed out, suddenly I am just another person, not the recipient of a thousand "OH MY GOD, I LUV UR HAIR's and people making the effort to speak to me because they think I'm 'one of them'. And I'm not ungrateful for their compliments, but I am for their assumations, that they've supposed my whole being, how I spend my time (though art is a fair assumption, to be fair), the fucking music that I like, and MOST ANNOYINGLY, the people I choose to spend my time with, just from gunk I put in my hair and a bunch of fabric wrapped around myself.
A good example is the astonishment I received at Kingston Art College upon the introduction of Nicholas. "I would have expected you to be with someone really different" was a frequently 'donated' opinion. Thanks. I have rarely got on well with the sort of people I suspect they are imagining, not least because of the arrogant, holier-than-thou attitude they so frequently posess (and unload onto anyone standing close enough who needs to be reminded of THEIR OH-SO-UNIQUE AND WEEEEEIIIRD ALT AURA). I have met people who would, if you give them the opportunity, spout off as much shit as they possibly could to prove to you how edgy and original they are, how CRAZY and unpredictable they can be, or how many borderline mental disorders a test on the internet told them they had. I know this kind of person well because I've been this person, and that's why it pisses me off so much. The other reason why I hate it and the reason I still feel out of place with these people is all because ALL of their standards of judging someone are completely different to mine; based on hair, on clothes, on what fucking music you do or don't like, on what you bloody drink at the bar. Where along the line in human history did so many of us begin to think this way? What happened to judging someone on their behaviour, or their actions, their conversation, their character, or on their treatment of other human beings and animals? I don't give a shit if you're the most attractive person on earth if you're a complete wanker.