hay birls hay

Feb 17, 2010 15:32

So I've been stalkin this comm off and on for like YEARS now, never made an intro. For one, I'm tragically lazy, but mostly because I tend to hang out with very lowkey nerdy types, and pictures just don't get taken much. And for myself, I don't even own a damn camera, so that's not happening. But I'm gonna give this my best shot, lawl.

I'm...what, 24 now? Dang. Lived in New Orleans the past few months, sort of a refugee from Arkansas. Love this city with all my heart, will never get tired of exploring her, will wither and die if I'm forced to leave. You'd have to be here to understand, I think. There's so much worth hating about the South, but there's so much to love, too, if you're me. Sweet tea and cornbread and people who are actually /nice/ though don't get me wrong, there's a lot of bigotted asshattery goin down, too. I encourage everyone to come down here at least once. NOLA's not for everyone but give her a shot.

Anyway, I'm genderqueer, pansexual, female-bodied but somewhat masculine identified. I call myself a gentleman on a good day, ahahaha, and a thug the rest of the time. I'm attracted to...welllll kind of whomever catches my eye, really, but I have a weakness for effeminate men with long hair and boyish or androgynous or curvylicious women...ok, pretty much all women. I'm the fox in the henhouse. On me, I love piercings and muscles and casual clothing, don't even KNOW how to dress femalely (blouse? what does that even mean? Mary Janes? Are those pants?) though more power to you if you do! But a woman in an honest-to-god T-shirt, not a babydoll or something, will instantly catch my notice. And a woman in a suit can hold my leash the rest of my life for all o' me.

I spend my time mostly with my pets or friends, but I like alone-time too, though strangely I like it best on the bus or wandering the city. I cook, I read a lot, I OUGHT to brush up my Latin and Greek so my fancy edumacation doesn't spoil, I love the internet too much, I bike and work out, I retro game and love the music that goes with it, I make jewelry when I'm not depressed. I'm a bit crazypants, haha, but I mostly manage ok.

Most recent pic, though it's still not very. My hair's no longer so awesome, alas. Also what the shit, I was in a dress, haha. That never happens.

Me and my hellhound. I collect bat-shirts. Bat-everything, really.

This picture is terrible and I ought to feel terrible.

My altar, allll lit-up

I make shit!

A lot of shit.

My Owlbear. He will cut you!

Step one: cut a hole in the box

Lily, and the two dogloaves, HT and Strongbad

I bite.

I shaved my head for a bit. Me with one of the snakeypoops.

My baby, Richter.

Ink I got for my birthday last year. Blue and dogs and pseudo-Pictish/Celtic stuff, right up my alley.

The pandemonium that was my boys' birthday party. No really, I celebrate it.

My illegitimate werewolf child, HT

Buffaloaf dog Strongbad.

All right that is entirely too many pictures! So yeah, that's-a my intro.
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