Barbra Streisand and two voddies away from a bender.

Oct 29, 2007 23:06

So, I joined Facebook. I blame B. I'm sitting there, scrolling through the f/list.
Porn, smut, smut, snarky pagans, sock puppetry from role players, smut, smut, porn, cat macro, porn macro, smut, Beltaine, shiney pretty gardening pictures!

...Hey, if I caved finally and utterly by adding facebook to my list of internet sins apart from gaydar and myspace I could see pretty pictures all the time.

Yeah. Thanks.

I join, I trawl. I do the obligatory "Add the friends thing" I even add an ex, 'cos I'm nice like that. Besides, it's nice to have proof of one still living if the police ever come calling. Then I partook in the inevitable "I wonder if Tom/Dick/Harry/Barry Anne the Drag Queen is on here..."

I found my entire graduating class. From all three high schools.

At this point you have three options. Head between the legs, which frankly unless I can display the same level of flexibility either of my cats do, is simply depressing. Breathe calmly into a paper bag. Which I don't have nearby. And my ex-boyfriend tells me amyl doesn't have the same effect. He'd know, he's a nurse. Well, he says he is and he wore that cute little unif.. Uh. Hi Aido.

Or there's alcohol. *clinks glass* Sadly, there's not enough alcohol in this vodka.

They all look the same!
Well, mostly, give or take wear and tear and experience. Some of them are even married. The girl I took to the Deb and was then bawled out by in the main courtyard of my high school for being a ginormous cocksmoker is married.

Here's hoping they got that discussion out of the way early on.

I'm sure you all know that person at your school. The one that would be in charge of Year Book, and reunions, and quite possibly Pep rallies if your school catered for that level of hijinks. You know the one. You always suspected they were simply channeling the anti-social serial killer tendencies into a more socially acceptable, yet equally satisfying form of interaction?

Nowadays? They also run the year's Myspace page. (Jay, if you ever read this? You were a hunny, and a hottie. Just a leeeeeeeeetle terrifying. There's only so far you can go to explain pins in photos of your classmates... and I'm a witch.)

Of course, as most of my assorted peeps know, my life went just this side of Bat Shit Insane during my last year of high school. I dropped it, and ever so slightly disappeared off the face of the frickin' planet.

Can I tell you how intimidating the idea of popping back up on the Myspace or Facebook of my year is? Which is bloody ridiculous. It's a website. If I can post about leather night at the Bear den, and parading my naked ass down Hoddle St, I can post...

Y'know. If any of you ever read this? Ignore that. Apart from that hot guy in my Lit class, and the cute closeted guy, or the surfie with the amazing ass. In which case, I have pictures.

Edit: I just found my first boyfriend. He's still hot. Nice to know I have good taste asdjklkfdscddfdfkdkllkjll;lkjgh

friends, bt

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