This is good, very good!

Nov 13, 2009 06:31

On October 29 the Chamber of representatives discussed two bills to include in the Civil Code marriage between same sex and to change other items to guarantee equal rights in relationships for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. Basically, what is sought is to replace the term "man and wife" with "spouses". Thus, same-sex couples could marry, and access to rights such as pension, health insurance and inheritance. And rights and obligations upon adopted children after separation. There was a second committee meeting on 5 November when it was agreed to reopen discussions on Tuesday 10, but there was no quorum. There were no legislators from Front for Victory, or the PRO or the UCR, which are three of the most important political parties. There could be a new call for next week, but Vilma Ibarra (Popular and Social Encounter) and Silvia Augsburger (Socialism), who are are the authors of the project were more than skeptical. So, the issue could go to 2010.
But! And wow! I love this but!
In February 2007, Maria Rachid and his girlfriend, Claudia Castro, were to Civil Registry to make an appointment to get married. After the rejection, the couple filed an action in court for defense: It was the kickoff for the most ambitious move the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans in the country, achieve equality before the law.
And yesterday, Judge Gabriela Seijas found that both, section 172 and 188 from Civil Code violate the Constitution. \o/
Judge noted that article 172 (which provides that marriage requires the consent of "one man and one woman") and 188 (which sets the words "I pronounce you husband and wife") are unconstitutional. This ruling sets a precedent that may be taken by Congress to amend the law and allow gay marriage.
Seijas' court ruling is part of a campaign pro marriage between same sex, carried by Argentina Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (Falgbt), with the support of INADI (National Institute Against Discrimination) and other institutions and political leaders. YES!

ETA: Damn, how could I forgot? The goes on Open Beta launch this Saturday 14th November. \o/ \o/\o/\o/
You can add your email address to the invitation queue. Those who already have an account there will be getting invitations, but I still don't know how many, so I come back later on this. But OPEN BETA!!!
Happy post is happy :D

otw, gay marriage, equality

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