Jun 03, 2009 08:20

Well, here is a little something for you, as a birthday present. I really hope you enjoy it, and seriously, you need to be very grateful to Drayce, as she help me with all my syntax and grammar mistakes.
The remanent mess? Well I'm afraid it's all my fault *blushes*
Have a wonderful, wonderful day!

So, here they all were. If you’d asked him, Gibbs certainly couldn't have explained why he’d agreed to this and yet, here they all were, having dinner in a very fancy restaurant. The kids, Ducky, even Jimmy looking more comfortable and at ease than Jethro had ever see him before.

Gibbs looked at the rest of them. Abby, bouncing in her chair, was trying to steal something from McGee's plate. McGee, was trying to look like the kind of man who doesn't care if other people stick their fingers in his meal. Ziva, beautiful and calm as always, was fluently managing the insane number of glasses and forks with the ease of someone who was born to it. Tony was just watching her, for once not trying to make himself the center of attention.

And Ducky... Ducky was sitting beside him, with a pleased smile on his face, his blue eyes taking it all in. Jethro just knew this has been his idea, it didn't matter that it was Abby who’d actually got everybody here. Now why Ducky had felt the need for this gathering, that was something he didn't understand... yet.

Once all the empty dinner plates were taken away and everyone had got their desserts, Jethro was ready to ask Ducky to explain what this was all about. But that’s when he felt it, Ducky's leg had moved and now it was firmly pressed against his own. He looked at his friend, startled, but Ducky was immersed in a deep conversation with Jimmy about his progress in Medical School.

Ducky probably hasn't noticed he thought, but didn't move his own leg. Minutes later he almost choked on a cookie when he felt a hand on his thigh. Ducky's hand. On his thigh. And again, his friend wasn't paying any attention to him, instead Ducky was listening to Ziva talk about some apparently very amusing way to kill someone. Then the hand under the table began a slow, circular motion squeezing and then just… caressing?

Jethro could feel his heart beating wildly and his hands tightened on the silverware. Tony was watching him so he let his knife go and grabbed his glass instead. He drained what was left in it and tried to look nonchalant but Tony was still watching him with a frown of concentration.

And just at that moment the wandering hand... wandered a little more. Now it was firmly installed high up on the inside of his thigh. Dangerously high up. Gibbs breathing became a little erratic and now Ziva was staring at him too. And then the hand... moved. Jethro yelped. As undignified as it was, there just wasn’t a more accurate word for the sound he’d made.

Everybody was staring at him now, even Ducky with a look of curiosity in his kind eyes and an evil hand working steadily in a way guaranteed to make Jethro’s pants very, very tight. For once, Jethro wasn't in control and what was even worse, he didn't know what to do about it.

"Is there something wrong, dearest?" Ducky's voice had a slightly worried tone to it as he turned toward him and that just gave Ducky even better access to the area in question.

"No, no. Everything is fine" his voice sounded a lot steadier than he thought it would, but now he could feel a fine sheen of sweat beading his face. "A little tired, that's all.”

The hand was squeezing him now. Squeezing him. Jethro was stunned… and hard as hell.

And Ducky just kept looking at him, with those kindly eyes and... yes! there! There was just a shadow of mischief, he could see it. And then Ducky turned to talk to the rest of them.

"I'm afraid I'm a little tired, too, but you should all stay here and enjoy the rest of your dinner. Everything has been taken care of, the bill has been paid and I'm going to impose on my dear Jethro to drive me home."

And with that the hand was gone and Ducky was standing up and putting his coat on as everybody thanked him and said their goodbyes. Jethro was able to slip his coat on before standing up from his chair which was the only thing that saved him from a potentially embarrassing situation. Gibbs then stood up, said his own goodbyes and walked Ducky to the door.

The moment they were alone in the parking lot, Gibbs stopped and dragged Ducky in to his body, kissing him. No finesse, no delicacy just a hot, messy and dirty kiss. However, Ducky seemed to have different ideas as he pulled back from Jethro, breaking the kiss and keeping him at arm's length while looking carefully in to his eyes. Something he saw there seemed to satisfy a question not asked because he smiled. A slow, smug smile.

Then, turning his back on Jethro, he went toward the car saying "You know something Jethro? I have not yet had my dessert."

The trip to Reston House was the most delicious torture that Jethro had ever endured.



awesome flist birthdays

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