Aug 03, 2011 02:44
So I hurt my foot about two weeks ago. It wouldn't have been as bad as it was, had I not continued running and playing tennis after I started noticing the pain. Not being able to exercise has left me feeling like crap. I've been depressed, I can't sleep, I've been overeating, breaking out, and have been suffering from extreme guilt over everything. Anyways, today was the first day I could (mostly) walk around- I managed a trip to the pharmacy, yay.
Feeling guilty really sucks (and it's not exactly a new problem). For me, guilt is really paralyzing, instead of motivating me I tend to get sucked into a terrible state of doing absolutely nothing. So what have I accomplished the last two weeks? I read the entire Dresden Files series (including the newest book), a bunch of graphic novels, and a few other books I borrowed from my housemates. I browsed the internet.
So! I've resolved to try and tackle some of the things I've been putting off. Here's a list... maybe by posting it I might motivate myself to actually do it.
- Answer email. Especially that one my professor sent 19 days ago. EDIT: Done!
- Apologize to a friend for not returning to skype when I promised I would :C (incident happened 9 days ago)
- Write thank-you note for the family I stayed with on my trip to LA. The trip I got back from 26 days ago.
- Send email about meeting to start volunteer work with Mickaboo (cockatiel rescue organization). That should have been done as soon as I had reliable transportation (26 days ago) EDIT: Done!
- Log on to DoA. Give feedback that should have been done 4 months ago.
- Actually fill the art requests I've gotten.
- Laundry (ok, that one I actually haven't been procrastinating on, it's just about time to do it again)
- Pay bills! I can't believe I left that one off... EDIT: Done!
I think that list (with the exception of the art requests) can be done in a day. So, here's to tomorrow and doing something to alleviate my feelings of guilt!