Dec 11, 2010 18:29
So it's hour ... three of being home alone.... and it sucks. I really miss having my housemates around. It also doesn't help that I can't find the vga cable for the xbox, so... I am stuck home alone without videogame distractions. I started repainting Rochelle (modded MD Ryu on Dollstown 15G body), but I didn't finish before it got dark. Grr, stupid short days.
Looking at old highschool classmates' facebook profiles... MAN some people have changed. It's like WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH [...]. Also making me feel like a loooooser. I have classmates now in Germany, Switzerland, Kenya. And where am I? 180 miles south of where I spent the first 18 years of my life. I feel like I haven't accomplished anything life-changing.
Hmm, I should get out of my self-pity rut and review what I've done in the last 2.5 years:
I'm making pretty ok progress towards my Bioinformatics and Computer Science degrees, (11 more classes, that's 4 quarters, or 1.33 years although only 3 more classes until I've completed my Computer Science Degree) with my oh-so-impressive 3.12 GPA. I held a sort-of in my field job this sumer. I learned how to weld. I worked up to being able to run 7 miles without stopping.
Things I am grateful for in my life:
I have housemates who I adore, a boyfriend of almost a year who loves me, parents who eagerly await my visit home for the holidays, a few very good close friends, enough brains and determination to solve problems, have finances in good enough standing to allow me to continue to go to school, and live with a roof over my head less than a mile from the beach.
I am so relieved that my migraines are becoming more manageable. Towards the end of the summer I was having them almost every day, and it felt like there was nothing I could do to stop them. I felt like I couldn't live any life, spending almost half my time in unbearable pain unable to get out of bed. It is such an amazing relief to be able to do things again. It's not perfect, but I think I only had 4 migraines last month, with half a dozen other headaches. Being able to LIVE, to choose how I want to spend my life is an amazing gift.
So maybe I don't lead the most exciting life. Maybe I'm not doing what is seen by most people as fun and exciting or an "enriching life experience". It's not that there isn't room for improvement or more glamor/excitement, but I think I've worked very hard and can be happy at least a little bit with how I'm leading my life.