Jan 31, 2006 21:02
So, last night I had the mother of all migraines. It came on slowly. Could have been sitting for a couple of hours debating wedding flowers, I'm not sure. All of the sudden, I couldn't see and I thought I was going to throw up everything I had ever eaten. The Husband and The Child were amazing, to say the least. They took care of my every need. Of course, to be married to me, someone would have to be pretty amazing. Yay to The Husband!!!
As I was lying there, ready to rip off my own legs if that would make the pain subside, I thought about why I have migraines. It's stress. Let's see, am I stressed? Twelve hours of school, the yearbook from hell, teaching, being a mom, being a wife, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a grandaughter, a daughter-in-law, a friend, a best friend... No, nothing here. And, to top it off, the wedding plans haven't exactly been easy. The Bride has been in a rough spot because of past relationships and commitments. I have been in her position, and I understand how she feels. Not to mention the fact that she isn't a planner like I am. And the fact that the maid of honor is getting married in July. That's some stress.
So I decided, while lying in the unspeakable agony, that I would drop one of my classes. What was I trying to prove? I'm not sure. Yeah, I've done nine hours before, but I didn't care about my job at the time. I really am dedicated to my job now, so the nine hours was harder. So I dropped the effin' class. When I decided to do it, the clouds parted and I started to feel better.
But another I was telling myself while lying in the fog is that I have to start taking things one day at a time. For someone who is super-anal planner like myself, that is no small feat. But I'm going to kill myself if I don't. If stress can cause me to go down with the mother of all headaches, imagine what it's doing to the rest of my body. When I was in counseling, the therapist would tell me to live for that day -- stop trying to guess what bad shit was going to happen and try not to plan for it. Easier said than done, buddy.
I think I'm going to go back in for a tuneup -- I haven't been hypnotized for a while. And I love it. It's so relaxing. I would recommend it for anyone.
So now that I only have these two classes, I'm going to work hard at them... and I'm going to get my ass to Canyon so I can get my full refund-o for them expensive books.