Why does Etsy have to have maintenance on the night I have a million things to list? THANKS. A LOT. REALLY. Now I'll just go stuff myself with salmon after I finish this entry.
Who'da thought I'd make such a hippie bag? I embroided some flowers on it. The strap is an 'upcycled' belt. Yeah I learned a new word :)
I just watched Horton Hears a Who and it was okay. It was cute. I like Wall-e 10x better. I died from all the cuteness. I think I almost cried at the end of it too.
Other than all of this, nothing is new. Really, my life revolves around sewing. Last night we went for drinks but that was lame. The night ended really dumb but at least I talked to Christina. This morning, me and Bowie went for a walk and were attacked by butterflys. I think one bit him in the butt.