do you watch it too? ugh this series has consumed me, heart and soul, from when i start reading this until the tv show aired and it makes me jumpy because obviously, this is game of thrones and no one is safe but still D:
Please, don't bother to feel sorry or even apologize: I love rants! Or thinky-thoughts, if you will, or even word vomit. I just wish I was eloquent enough to put all my feelings and thoughts into actual words, into actual sentences that I could understand orz ;;
That said, I really like your thoughts on Merlin! To be honest, I am fairly disappointed at the way the plot is written most of the times, seeing how some of the conflict might have been handled more capably, but for all of its flaws, there's one thing about Merlin: you can't help but love all of the characters to a certain degree. As you say, this is the first adaptation of the Arthurian legend ( now that I've seen many, though! ) that I really liked the potrayal of Guinevere! I almost can't believe that back when I started watching in S1, I thought she was a little too plain to play the woman who (supposedly) caused the downfall of Camelot, etc etc but of course, now she's really lovely to me and she's matured and grown into her role really well since S1. I hate how Arthur sometimes only appears now and then, and to provide a bit of a comic relief, but I really hope they do more with his character in the next season, seeing how he's already established his own ~knights and all...bonding time, yeah!
Oh, Morgana. I am disappointed in her in S3. She was glorious and beautiful and could be wickedly delightful to watch as an antagonist but she feels so one-dimensional. I was really looking forward to seeing her play out her inner turmoil and clash with Merlin- okay, so I just love their angst-ridden relationship in every adaptation of the myth - and Morgause, in my opinion, felt really weird? Sure, she was badass, but I actually thought she hurt the storyline more than she helped it along in Season 3...I don't know, man.
Hey, at least now we've got Gwaine, Leon and the others!
I was told I should by like...everyone I know. They're all like, "CARMEN GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND WATCH THISSSS." So I'll be jumping on the bandwagon soon enough to see if I like it, and by the sounds of it I'll be hopelessly in love. I decided that I wanted to watch the show a bit before I decided to read the book. I wanted to see if this even peeked my interest before I took the time to sit within the fandom and really dig deep into it.
Oh word vomit you had me at hello. The woes of all men is what you have stated (except, you know, the people who are actually good at writing-sickeningly so).
I have to agree that sometimes, Merlin can disappoint plot wise. As it is also stated, no matter what the pot-holes Merlin (or plot-holes...God my sense of humor just needs to die) there is something to love about each character. Guinevere did have a sense of plainness, but I love beauty that shines brightest because of the person's character, rather than their natural beauty. That, to me, makes people beautiful. However, I can see whole-heartily where you are coming from. Arthur is a bit doomed to be a bit of a goof-ball and rather ignorant, but I will chalk it up to him being a bit young and brash, however, I cannot lie when I say they need to start giving Arthur some more moments to let his soon to be kingliness shine. I want to be yelling, "Here, here!" (which sadly I would probably do).
I am not gonna lie when I say I do enjoy the angstyness that is Merlin and Morgana. It is sad to see Merlin so sad to see someone he had once called a friend-turn evil. It is also sad to see Morgana cast away all that she once stood to protect, but either way: it was suppose to be this way and we'll just have to deal with it (note to self). Morgause, ah, Morgause. I cannot say I really felt much for her. She kind of was like the fly that kept trying to sit on your food and you are like, "Wtf fly get out of here. You are annoying." I have to say I was indifferent to her, and I can see where she may have cause the plot to go-"whut?". However, in a way, the way this adaptation of Merlin is-I cannot really see it a different way at this moment. I will not disagree she could have hurt more than helped the plot...either way, we'll find out in S4.
YES. I AM THOROUGHLY IN LOVE WITH GWAINE, AND LEON IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF. Although every-time I hear knights of the round table, I cannot help but keep thinking of Monty Python Quest for the Holy Grail..."On second thought, let's not go to Camelot-'tis a silly place."
Please, don't bother to feel sorry or even apologize: I love rants! Or thinky-thoughts, if you will, or even word vomit. I just wish I was eloquent enough to put all my feelings and thoughts into actual words, into actual sentences that I could understand orz ;;
That said, I really like your thoughts on Merlin! To be honest, I am fairly disappointed at the way the plot is written most of the times, seeing how some of the conflict might have been handled more capably, but for all of its flaws, there's one thing about Merlin: you can't help but love all of the characters to a certain degree. As you say, this is the first adaptation of the Arthurian legend ( now that I've seen many, though! ) that I really liked the potrayal of Guinevere! I almost can't believe that back when I started watching in S1, I thought she was a little too plain to play the woman who (supposedly) caused the downfall of Camelot, etc etc but of course, now she's really lovely to me and she's matured and grown into her role really well since S1. I hate how Arthur sometimes only appears now and then, and to provide a bit of a comic relief, but I really hope they do more with his character in the next season, seeing how he's already established his own ~knights and all...bonding time, yeah!
Oh, Morgana. I am disappointed in her in S3. She was glorious and beautiful and could be wickedly delightful to watch as an antagonist but she feels so one-dimensional. I was really looking forward to seeing her play out her inner turmoil and clash with Merlin- okay, so I just love their angst-ridden relationship in every adaptation of the myth - and Morgause, in my opinion, felt really weird? Sure, she was badass, but I actually thought she hurt the storyline more than she helped it along in Season 3...I don't know, man.
Hey, at least now we've got Gwaine, Leon and the others!
Oh word vomit you had me at hello. The woes of all men is what you have stated (except, you know, the people who are actually good at writing-sickeningly so).
I have to agree that sometimes, Merlin can disappoint plot wise. As it is also stated, no matter what the pot-holes Merlin (or plot-holes...God my sense of humor just needs to die) there is something to love about each character. Guinevere did have a sense of plainness, but I love beauty that shines brightest because of the person's character, rather than their natural beauty. That, to me, makes people beautiful. However, I can see whole-heartily where you are coming from. Arthur is a bit doomed to be a bit of a goof-ball and rather ignorant, but I will chalk it up to him being a bit young and brash, however, I cannot lie when I say they need to start giving Arthur some more moments to let his soon to be kingliness shine. I want to be yelling, "Here, here!" (which sadly I would probably do).
I am not gonna lie when I say I do enjoy the angstyness that is Merlin and Morgana. It is sad to see Merlin so sad to see someone he had once called a friend-turn evil. It is also sad to see Morgana cast away all that she once stood to protect, but either way: it was suppose to be this way and we'll just have to deal with it (note to self). Morgause, ah, Morgause. I cannot say I really felt much for her. She kind of was like the fly that kept trying to sit on your food and you are like, "Wtf fly get out of here. You are annoying." I have to say I was indifferent to her, and I can see where she may have cause the plot to go-"whut?". However, in a way, the way this adaptation of Merlin is-I cannot really see it a different way at this moment. I will not disagree she could have hurt more than helped the plot...either way, we'll find out in S4.
YES. I AM THOROUGHLY IN LOVE WITH GWAINE, AND LEON IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF. Although every-time I hear knights of the round table, I cannot help but keep thinking of Monty Python Quest for the Holy Grail..."On second thought, let's not go to Camelot-'tis a silly place."
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