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PERMISSIONS birdthright June 23 2011, 16:09:42 UTC
(gameplay basics.)
How do you feel about 4th wall breaking?: OKAY FOREVER.
Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character?: If your character has figured out his secret identity, do tell me beforehand! Don't drop a bomb on me my heart is weak
How do you feel about threadjacking?: I encourage it, actually.
What about spamming your posts?: Go bloody ahead. If the spamming if IC, Damian would not be pleased HEH.
How about sudden action threads? You post an entry, and a character starts an [action] thread, apparently knowing where your character is somehow, or just randomly bumping into them. In some cases it might be realistic (if they're roommates, for instance), but should they ask first?: NO, NEVER ASK. I LOVE ACTION THREADS. DOITDOITDOIT.

(damian wayne.)
Name: Damian Wayne
What species is your character?: Human
Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense?:He's genetically modified, but in what aspects is not revealed.
What does your character's soul look like?: SCOWLING FOREVER.
Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense?: Nope.
Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'?: Nope.
Can your characters thoughts be read? Only surface thoughts? Are characters free to dig into tragic pasts and hidden secrets? Or will they only know what they are thinking at the exact moment their thoughts are being read? Yeah go ahead and read them.
Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy?: It's as possible as communicating with any other human.
Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers?: Go ahead.
Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow?: If that's your special ability, yes. 
Is it possible to sense your character's emotions? Intentions?: Only if you're some kind of empath.  
Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up?: No.
Can your character be mind-controlled?: Yes! But I'm not a fan of mind-control. Let me handwave whatever he does under the control.

Is he/she a capable fighter?: Quite, yes!
Can I punch/cut/shoot/hit with a car/stab/HURT HIM IN GENERAL?: GO AHEAD. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. I encourage this.
Can I kill him/her?: No. Unless I'm planning to drop or something. 
In terms of winning and losing, where would you rather they stand?: We'll work it out. 
Would you rather fade to black and just assume what happened?: Yeah, I get tired after a while.

So, can I fall in love with him/her?: HE'S TEN. But yeah, sure.
Can I hit it?: HE'S TEN.
Can I kiss him/her?: He probably won't let you.
What's his/her orientation anyway?: TEN YEARS OLD. I'd rather not think about it.
Are you willing to play out any relationships?:HE'S TEN, HELLO??
And with castmates?: TEN. YEARS. OLD.


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