Oct 02, 2006 01:26
A couple of mornings ago, I woke up for class at about 8:30 a.m. There was a bag of cheetos laying on the floor near my bed that was about 1/8 full of cheetos (and as you're about to find out, a cricket). I decided a few handfuls of cheetos would keep my stomach from growling during class, so I reached in to pull out some cheetos and lo and behold I pull out a large, black cricket. He was unhappy with me and jumped away hastily. I was totally grossed out and threw the bag of cheetos away and skipped class and went back to bed.
This weekend I woke up and put on my shoes to go to work and I felt a lump in the left one. I took it back off and discovered a freshly crushed cricket in it. I was again grossed out and changed my socks and wore a different pair of shoes to work.
My house is getting attacked by crickets. I have awesomely kept them out of my room by tilting a box fan at about a 60 degree angle at the floor where my door meets the rest of the basement. I've discoverd that the crickets don't seem to want to battle through the winds of the box fan to enter the temple that is my bedroom. This is a victory for me. This victory helps me get sleep.
The cheetos were crunchy cheetos, by the way. No phoo-phoo puffs for me, baby.
Umm, I was going to talk about something else in this entry but I started with the Cheetos story and now I don't think the two things would go well in one entry and I'm not about to not tell the cheetos story now that it has been typed.
I've been riding my bike to work for the past month and a half and I've got a little mp3 player to listen to about 15 min. worth of music to and from work. Anyways, when riding my bike I've noticed that lots of people like to yell or grunt at you. For what reason is completely beyond any comprehension I have, but it's pretty annoying and pointless as far as I can tell. When I have my mp3 player with me I act like I can't hear them even though I can. When I forget my mp3 player and I get hollered at I usually either squint at them to see if I know them or I extend both arms to my sides and say, "Whaa??" with furious passion. I need a new battery for my van... badly.... maybe.
You know how people with terminal illnesses are pretty much expected to drop everything they were doing to go run around and fish and play golf and travel? Well why the hell does it take a terminal illness for someone to do that? Just cuz one guy knows he's gonna die this month doesn't mean somebody else knows they're not. Who came up with this whole responsiblity/live to be wealthy and "successful" mentality? This is so stupid.
At work today I helped a guy from Kansas who had to be Marty McFly's Great Grandpa from Back to the Future III. Or at least his twin. I gave him good help and helped get him good deals. I go the extra mile for BTTF character lookalikes.
Time to put on some Aphex Twin and do some sleeping. Good damn Night!