State of the Tristram - God says nothing back

Feb 23, 2009 01:06

Devin is...calm.

He's pretty much decided that he will never be able to forgive himself and by doing that has achieved a sort of zen "I don't have to hate myself all the time" state. He. He likes it here at Countshire, and, although he honestly believes he doesn't deserve it, enjoys having all these friends - and because he's that type of unrealistic, tragic, lonely idiot, he pretty much loves everyone he's interacted with for more than a comment or two as good friends. Actually he...pretty much loves everyone. He's completely unable to feel hatred or any real anger - even if you punched him in the face for no reason, he'd just assume that there was something wrong with you and feel sad for you. He can dislike people! But only for a short time, and then he goes back to loving everyone.

He's not sure how to deal with Gerard, who keeps trying to be nice to him. It's happened before. People (especially the more out-going of his pactholders) keep trying to get him to socialise and make friends and Be Happy, Miach! But, those were humans, and Gerard is Excalibur - a name belonging to a sword. And for...obvious reasons, swords more than any other weapons are associated with pain and hurt in his mind. He- he likes Gerard, but sometimes when he sees him he sort of thinks "how many people have you hurt in the past?" and. Tsuns. Tsuntsun

He loves girls. Half because he's a. teenage boy and half because they all remind him of Airmed in a way and he thinks of every girl he's met as a foster sister. Younger spirits go into the "little brothers; children. I must look after" section (even if they appear older than he is), and he's probably occasionally annoying at Luke/Lugh. I kind of imagine it being very "have you done your homework, nephew?" "I'm a teacher!".

His last pactholder - a very nice lady named Lucia - died very, very recently, and even though he's seen countless people die before, and knows he will see countless people die again, the pain is still very raw and fresh at the moment, and he probably tears up every time somebody mentions death - this post, he probably wrote while crying.

I will. never be able to get down everything about Devin in just one entry ahaha, favourite character ever.

He's just so...sad and guilty and I love playing it. As for things he could Maybe...he could reveal his powers to someone? HE WAS NOT VERY SUBTLE WITH AVA anyone else want a heal? It could be interesting to see him pact to a boy, if only because he'd have to put aside his sexism for a little while to work with them.
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