Feb 25, 2004 07:50
I thought to myself that posting more spam couldn't really be entertaining. I said to myself 'no more spam!' But today, I got one I felt I had to post, 'coz it just made me go 'WTF'. And, really...WTF?
SUBJECT: scent murkut peeeeelz rabbi
whirl unbound merit, domestic confounds needs, parakeet abjectly Regina scrutinize licenses Panamanian primes banishing wrongly Sonora tabulate regressive Slavizes. announcer rambler halfway Africanize Dunne, Bolshevism laughable wronged Hilton Buena leniently Videotex dwell esquires quacked stringers memoryless. perished Bowen Roberto. Navaho bandpass Payne compose included polygon.
Simply the Higust prudusing pennuz pi1ilz in da markut