went home to seattle, then vermont, then back to new york. so, in the past two and half weeks, i've:
read the white castle by orhan pamuk. i just finished snow, which i really liked, but was not so enthralled by the white castle. i hope i'm not through my magical realism stage, as i'd like to reread some murakami and rushdie sometime soonish.
the pre-teen in me read the harsh cry of the heron, which is the 4th in a series by lian hearn. i read the other 3...two years ago. shut up.
the, like, seven year old in me decided to reread carry on, mr. bowditch when i was at home. this used to be one of the few books that i had to read straight through, no matter what time of night it was. it holds up pretty well, and probably explains much of the science streak in me.
i saw stardust, which was a pleasant enough movie. i read the novella some years ago and thought it was the weakest of neil gaiman's works. the movie improves upon what i remember of it, but y'all should just go read the sandman series or neverwhere instead.
i tried to watch equilibrium. it was really terrible, and i couldn't finish it.
i feel like this is also the appropriate time to talk about
the other blog (cheating!) that i've been posting to. sadly for you, it's very boring, and sadly for me, it makes me sound disguisting most of the time. but if you scroll around and click enough of the archives, there are pictures and recipes.
like this. although some make me sound insane, like i grow my own wheat in the backyard. (seriously, who makes their own
english muffins? people who should have gotten a second job last summer, that's who.)