Yeah...I'm a little behind.
Day 10
In your own space, talk about a creator. Show us why you think they are amazing. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
As many of you probably know, I'm new to the fandom. Never having been part of any fandom before, I just sort of lurked for months, and only started actively participating in November. So, I will attempt to praise the works of
hellkitty without coming across as creepy.
Also known as
Antepathy for those of you who use LJ.
Her writing is sophisticated, and her characterizations are spot on. I ended up reading (Drift/Wing)
Febrile Part 1 very early on in my fandom career. If I remember correctly (I probably don't) it was the third fanfic I ever read.
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4. I loved the story, and ended up looking up the characters (not remembering them from any of the shows which I had barely finished the month before, because I only got into Transformers about 9 months ago, while I was still a senior in high school). Once I realized that they were from the comic portion of the franchise, I promptly bought The Transformers: Drift (and liked it very much, oh yes. Milne is a god). And my comic collecting began.
Another story I really like is (Drift/Perceptor)
Restraint. If you don't like reading anything with self harm/restraint/bloodplay, then this might not be for you. I like well-written dark fics, but there are mournfully few of high quality. Sometimes I get sick of reading fluff or crack, so I have this story bookmarked to make it easy to reread. :)
To continue the fic spam, might I recommend a happy Drift/Perceptor story:
To The Hilt. Silly Drift makes me smile :)
And finally, I'd like to mention
Speed and Status (Drift/Blurr and Drift/Perceptor). There are eight parts, but I'm too lazy to link to all of them, so I'm just linking to the tag.
She has many, many more stories (I still haven't read them all D:), and they can be found
here, on her fiction community. You can also find some of her works on
ao3 or
And now I hope that my thoroughness and gushy fan-ness doesn't come off as creepy. Heh heh :T
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