31 Days of Halloween Oct 23

Oct 24, 2009 10:34

Ok, so I'm a day behind in posting this.  My excuse is pitiful as well--a sudden long nap interrupted my evening and, um, well, I woke up groggy and stayed awake just long enough to go find some dinner and head back to bed.  Clearly my body needed that rest.  Ah well.

I guess it's completely appropriate, then, that my bow toward autumn yesterday was changing out my bedclothes for their warmer versions.  It makes me terribly happy to celebrate this change.  I don't know why, but I've always had a fascination with linens in one form or another.  Bed linens, table linens, handkerchiefs, tea towels--they all make me giddy with happiness.

It's cold enough during the nights now, that I finally brought up my quilt.  I changed out my rosebud bedsheets for some lovely olive ones and grinned like a loon when I put my handmade quilt on the bed.  I got the quilt from my granny's house after she died, but I don't know how she acquired it.  It's obviously handmade, though, the stitches are uneven and there isn't always enough of one material to complete the star pattern.  I love it even more for that reason.


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