(no subject)

Oct 21, 2009 18:34

Yesterday I treated myself to a lovely cup of hot chocolate (the really rich kind) and sat down to view A Watcher in the Woods.  I don't know if anyone else remembers this movie from their childhood, but I'm convinced it is the scariest movie Disney ever made.  Which is not to say that it's terrifying, but it's definitely eerie, and for Disney, I'm still impressed.  As far as the above poster, I particularly like the stereotypical mom-sounding tag line.  Can't you just hear one of those tv moms:  "Oh sure, it's all fun and games until you lose someone for thirty years!".  For some reason, the "mom" in my head has a Fran Drescher voice.  But, I digress.  I remember adoring this movie when I was a youngster, and though the clues are overly obvious and the heroine's voice is nasal and grating, I still love it, and it's still kinda spooky.  Plus, it has Bette Davis in one of her last screen roles, and anything is better with Bette Davis.

Yup, Watcher in the Woods, Murder She Wrote, Poirot mysteris and The Addams Family, oh and Smurfs; that was pretty much my childhood tv watching.  I'm not too sure what that says about me ;)

Today I had the chance to finally sit down a read for 1/2 an hour.  It's such a luxury to read a book I want to read rather than student essays or books that I have to read critically/analytically for class.  I read the "Halloween Symbols" chapter from Gerina Dunwich's book A Witch's Halloween.

And shortly, I'm going to head out to grab some dinner (student midterms are waiting, so I'm taking the easy way out with dinner), but I'm going to stop and pick up some spiced apple cider to go along with my meal.  Then I'm going to watch the A & E "Haunted History of Halloween" while I'm munching.  And then, yup, back to work on those midterms *hears whip cracking*

halloween, food, school

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