Answering questions is better than studying for Ornithology.

Dec 15, 2007 20:54

Folks, this is strictly for jazzpizza, although you're welcome to read it if you like.  I just don't feel like spamming her inbox with comments.

November 9

Truth is always preferred, although there are exceptions to every rule.  If the lie doesn't hurt anyone, including yourself, ever, (and especially if it helps a bit) then it's probably a good thing... which in my opinion is incredibly rare.   I usually don't lie outright, I hide things.  I hide everything from my parents... I don't tell them about some things I do, the people I date, the things I'm interested in.  I don't see any reason to lie to my friends, so I can't remember really doing that.  Honesty is just that... being honest with people, and with yourself too.  It's important because if everyone told lies all the time the world would fall into disarray and chaos.   Lol, I'm thinking there should be a better answer for that but I haven't got one.

November 10

Being selfish is only thinking about yourself, only caring about yourself and giving little to no thought to other people and their needs.  Selfless is the opposite, it's constantly thinking about others and helping them out in any way possible with no regard to yourself.  I think both extremes are bad.  Probably better to be on the selfless side but everyone's got to think about themselves for a little bit at least.

November 11

I remember numbers and people best.  I remember phone numbers and birthdays and addresses, as well as inane things about people who were in one of my classes in grade school.  People I haven't seen in 14 years, people I didn't even talk to, I remember.  I forget to do things, I forget to call people, I forget things I've said to people so I repeat myself.  I forget things I only need to remember for a short time, like if I have to run an errand I'll forget to do it.  My memory is either extremely good or extremely bad, and it's the bad part that tends to affect my life.  I'm so very absent minded.  Unless something is absolutely ingrained in my long term memory, I'll forget it.  I need to be in a routine in order to remember things.  If I have things to do, I have to make a list in my head and then remember how many things are on that list instead of trying to remember what's on the list.  Getting used to a purse was a nerve racking experience.  My short term memory really sucks.  Sometimes I worry that my memory will get worse as I get older (my one grandmother had Alzheimer's and my mom has the worst memory ever) and that makes me sad.

November 12

I don't think I really have a spiritual side, or a set of beliefs.  I just like to live life in whatever way that makes me happiest and doesn't hurt anyone else.   I like to think there's something out there that's greater than us, and that something special happens to us when we die, but other than that I don't really think about it very much.

November 13

Well, at the moment I'm missing having a person to cuddle with, but they'll be back next week.  (My OT3 as I like to call them go to school there).  Other than that, I don't tend to miss anyone or anything.  I miss wildberry pies from McD's :(

November 14

I just like having someone (or more than one someone) to share a bond with, to have fun with, to sleep with and kiss and all that.   i definitely need relationships and things in my life, I tend to go nuts without them.  I think that as long as all parties are okay with things, and are happy with things, and there's a lot of communication then anything goes!  Specific commitments can eat my ass at this point.  I don't like being committed.  I love everyone too much.

November 15

I think it would be our own personal experiences, both what happens on the outside and how we come to understand how things happened at that moment and later on.  No one else can live the exact life you do, after all.

November 16

Age has some importance, seeing as there are things you can get away with at one age that don't go over so well at others.   Other than that, I don't think it's all that important.  It's just a number.

November 17

Art is pretty.  Art is a way for people to express themselves.  Art brings meaning and importance to things that may not otherwise show.  I think art sometimes appears less relevant now than it did before, but then again, media is changing a lot too.  Digital art and all that.  It's relevant though I couldn't quite tell you how.

November 18

There's two families, in my opinion.  There's the people you share genes with, and you're stuck with them for life, and they occasionally do things for you.  Then there's the people you choose to be your family... your close friends, your spouse, your lover, whoever.  They're the ones that really matter to me.

November 19

I'd do anything to protect them.  I know they'd do the same for me.

November 20

I guess considering I've had the same body all my life, even though it's gone through a few changes, I'd say that it has had a great impact on my identity and who I am, even in ways I don't quite know about.  I imagine a lot of things would be different if I looked different, especially things involving my past and current relationships.  I guess others' thoughts about my body affect me, in that I don't want to be seen as ugly.  I don't really give too much thought about my body, so maybe it has less of an impact on my identity?

November 21

Sure, love conquers all.  If everyone loved each other, this would be a great world to live in :D  Though I suppose there are other things in the world that are important.  It's not just love all the time.   But love can be so handy...

November 22

My favourite song is Glorious by Andreas Johnson, and my favourite band is Apoptygma Berzerk.  I love them because every song tells a story to me.  I really can't put it any better way.  I tend to like songs and not bands, but so many of Apop's songs have just meant a lot to me and really moved me.  I like songs that sound a little bit different each time I hear them... they're old but they're new at the same time.  Songs that change as I change, and that make me think of good times in the past and good times in the present all at the same time.

November 23

I'm not quite sure, but I like to think that our lives and the way we lead them has an impact.  But not in the "you're going to Hell" kind of way.  I don't think people are punished like mad in the afterlife, whatever the afterlife may be.  I just can't believe that people, in all their complexity and wonder, can just die and that's it, there's nothing else.  Maybe it's my optimism that thinks there's something after.

November 24

I'm not sure?  I think I do things each day just to keep from being bored all the time, lol.  Might as well work towards a major goal of getting out of here and living on my own.  I guess that's what motivates me.... I want to live on my own, making my own choices and doing what I want to do.  In order to do that, I need money from a nice job, so that's why I work and go to school.   It's all about freedom.

November 25

Being in love means the person is number one to you.  You're physically and mentally attracted to them, you think about them a lot, you want to spend your life with them.  All those things.  It means being at least a little selfless in thinking about the other person.  It means a bit of work at least to keep the relationship good.  It means investing time and energy in getting to know the person, because you can't love someone if you don't know them.  It also means being the right person for them.  Above all, it means not being perfect all the time, and forgiving them and forgiving yourself for it.

November 26

I think if one is able to truly forgive, that's a pretty big accomplishment.  If something really is that bad, I don't see how people can really forgive and move on.  There are things that can't be forgiven, of course, though I'm sure they'd have to be very bad in order for that to happen.  I think the act of forgiveness is more necessary than actual true forgiveness, because sometimes that's not possible.  Sometimes you have to "forgive" and then learn to deal with the fact that you'll never forget it.

November 27

Sometimes.  When coincidences are too numerous, it seems impossible that everything is just random and that nothing is chosen for us.  I like to believe in some free will though.  It would be very sad if there was nothing we could do about out future at all.  Still, I think the major things that happen are sometimes just supposed to happen.

November 28

I dream about sex a lot, lol.  I dream about lots of things, in full colour.  Sometimes I feel as if I can't control myself in my dreams.  Sometimes I have dreams that I know I've had before, so I can better control them while I'm in them.   Sometimes my dreams are just fucking disturbing.  Dreams don't really have any meaning to me.  I don't think they're a symbol for predicting the future or understanding my subconscious or anything like that.  Still, they're fun to have, heh.

November 29

I don't think I really have any.  If I do, I don't tell people about them.  And then I suppress them and make sure they don't happen.  I'm a creepy person.

November 30

For things like that, it would really depend on the situation.   I make decisions by finding out all I can about what will happen if I choose A over B.  I rationalize all the pros and cons.  I figure things out like that.  Then I'd try to find a third option.  This is why I don't like making decisions in the first place... way too much thinking. 
Happy Middle-Of-December :)
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