IV. Diary Entry [Text; Private.]

Jun 25, 2010 11:33

What the hell?!

We finally docked in Solare. Seems like the people here have seen better days. We're supposed to be offering them aid - food, medical treatment, stuff I guess. I really didn't want to get my hands dirty - I mean, come on! Hello! I'm a diplomat, aren't I? I'm not supposed to have to deal with the common people directly.

In the end some of the others were giving me harsh looks so I went along with it. I don't want to be hated... - and they'd never forgive me at home if I got sent back this early. Everything seemed to be going well enough, but then it took a turn for the worst.

For starters the captain (that melon-loving guy) was involved in a train accident and people suspect he could even have been killed. It's open to debate - opinions might even be split down the middle. Personally I don't believe it. He's eccentric, but would he really kick the bucket that easily? I don't know.

Then the machinery on the Amestris started going haywire. What a pain... So now, even though I'm aboard a BRAND NEW airship, I can't bathe without my skin burning or freezing, and I'm hungry. Great. Just great.

To top it all off, there was this message being broadcast. Apparently they don't even want our aid because we're better than them (or, well... richer than them, anyway)! Talk about ungrateful! I mean, come on! We've wasted all this time and effort trying to help them out and this is the thanks we get?! How's that saying go? "Misery loves company"? They're taking it way too literally!

I've been staying in my room. I guess I'm paranoid, but it's kind of scary, you know? They think there might be saboteurs on the Amestris, and more parts of the ship seem to be malfunctioning or breaking down. Bad things keep happening and that voice threatened to do worse. Suppose someone gets seriously hurt?! Do they hate us enough to kill us?

Whatever. Some people have gone investigating and Tear said everyone should meet in the ballroom for a roll-call. I guess I should quit hiding and head there myself.

solare, don't panic?!, luke complains a lot, whuh?, luke is scared, these people are crazy

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