That question meme thing.

Jul 15, 2011 00:48

I've got nothing better to do, so.

1. What curse word do you use the most?
Probably "fuck". It's versatile! You can say "what the fuck" or "fuck, I think I just killed the cat" or "fuck this, I'm getting a dog next time." It's a curse, verb, noun, AND adjective. 8D

2. Do you own an iPod?

...I'm not sure how to elaborate on that.

3. What person on your f-list do you talk to the most?
UM. Probably Som or Shea? Which is weird, because I don't actually talk to them that much out of chat. Huh.

4. What time is your alarm clock set to?
I don't have one.

Again, how do I elaborate on that? This is kind of boring. :\

5. Do you still remember the first person you kissed?
NO ALARM CLOCK, NO FIRST KISS. clearly I am doing something wrong with my life.

6. Do you remember where you were on 11/9/01?
Hahaha, oh, stupid question meme. I do not have any idea what I was doing on November 9th, 2001. Buuuut since that obviously wasn't what the author intended - On 9/11, I went to school and listened to my second-grade teacher play the ukelele for three hours before my mom came and took me home, where I sat on the floor and played with dolls while the TV was covered in images of dust clouds and screaming people.

Yeah. :P

7. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
I.... honestly don't care? Take it, I guess.

8. What was the last movie you watched?
Cars. THREE TIMES IN A ROW. I was babysitting a whiny two-year-old who would do absolutely NOTHING ELSE.

9. Do any of your friends have children?

10. Has anyone ever called you lazy?
Pfft. Has anyone ever called me by my name? You bet.

11. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep?
what is this "sleep" you speak of

12. What cd is currently in your cd player?
Man, this was written like five years ago at least, wasn't it? I HAVE NO CD PLAYER, but on my iPod right now I'm listening to "London Calling" by The Clash.

13. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
It depends on what I'm eating, I guess? Like, if I'm having cereal or cake, I'm going to drink normal milk; but Goldfish and chocolate milk is oddly delicious, albeit juvenile. :|a

14. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Why are you asking me this? Who put you up to it?! WAS IT THE ALIENS

15. When was the last time you had Starbucks?
Uh... last week? I got a slice of lemon pound cake for breakfast. I don't really go there that often, though - coffee is gross.

16. Can you whistle?
I suppose so? I never really try to.

...okay, I just did, and no. No, I cannot whistle in any way at all.

17. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
That they're the opposite sex! Really, that's it. >_>

18. What are you looking forward to?
Chat next Saturday; SDCC, especially the Korra panel; going to see the new Harry Potter movie at midnight today; moving out; legally drinking; college.

19. Did you watch cartoons as a child?

20. Do you own any band t-shirts?
I wish I did!

21. What will you be doing in one hour?
Probably reading. I just got A Game of Thrones yesterday because Quo thinks so highly of it and he has good taste, so I'd like to keep reading that.

22. Is anyone in love with you?
Listen, question meme. If I had the ability to tell whether people were in love with me, then I wouldn't be a lipvirgin at 17, would I?

23. What was the last song you listened to?
Well, "London Calling" just ended and now I'm listening to "Kill the Director" by Wombat.

24. When was the last time you cried?
....well. Uh. Last night? I tend to cry when I'm really angry - when I'm sad I just kind of detach from things - and yesterday I had to deal with all my older relatives lecturing me because I'm not Catholic like they are, and telling me what I should be doing with my life, and I was extremely stressed out. So then I went upstairs to get my pajamas on and hit my head on the door frame by accident, which made me cry while I punched a wall. My life, man.

25. Are you on a desktop computer or a laptop?
Laptop. Boring question. MOVING ON NOW.

26. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
Heck yeah! I want a dragonfly made of hundreds of tiny dots on the back of my neck, but that's probably not going to happen anytime soon, because it seems like an unneccessary expense while college looms ahead of me.

27. What’s the weather like?
Hot, muggy, steamy, thick, humid, and generally all-around hellish. I MISS NEW YORK.

28. Would you ever date a girl/guy covered in tattoos?
Why the hell not?

29. What did you do before this?
Ate breakfast, read my book some, stared out the window.

30. When is the last time you slept on the floor?
Last week. I'M STILL SORE.

31. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?

32. Do you eat breakfast daily?
It makes me sound like an apple-cheeked cartoon kid cheerfully spouting breakfast cereal propaganda in a commerical, but I really don't feel like my day starts out right unless I eat something.

33. Are your days fast-paced?
See 34.

34. What did you do last night?
Sat at the kitchen table and read for two hours. Yup.

36. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
18, MOTHERFUCKERS. VOTING, EMANCIPATION, ALL THAT AWESOME SHIT - I swear, for the first month I'm living on my own I'm going to be eating ice cream with every meal and staying out until 3 am each night just because I can.

37. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
It might not seem like it because I make so many typos, but heck yeah! Every time I see someone use "your" instead of "you're" I feel like reaching through my computer and smacking them upside the head.

38. Have you ever been to six flags?
It sucked.

39. Do you get along better with the same sex or the opposite sex?
There's really no difference. :|a

40. Do you like mustard?
Ew, no.

41. Do you sleep on your side?

42. Do you watch the news?
I used to! But then I got sick of waiting to hear about world affairs between "stories" about so-and-so's new baby and such-and-such's divorce proceedings and a new reality TV show. Now I just read about things on the Internet.

43. How did you get one of your scars? 
I was running on a wet sidewalk, slipped, and drove my knee into a concrete corner. Then I reopened the same wound twice in as many days because of similar incidents.

44. Who was the last person to make you mad?
See number 24 re. my stupid family.

45. Do you like anybody?

46. What is the last thing you purchased?
Pretzels, a coke, and flip-flops. One of these is not like the others, is it? MMM, FLIP-FLOPS.

47. What side of the heart do you draw first?
Uh. I... don't know? I don't draw things like hearts, I draw characters and intricate designs. I'm right-handed, though.

48. Can you dive without plugging your nose?

49. What colour is your razor?
HAHAHAHA WHAT. I use disposable ones, so it's different every time, I guess.

50. What is your blood-type?
This is something I'm supposed to know the answer to, isn't it?

51. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
See, all I can think of is "ew, at least one of us would have to piss during that time period" and there is nobody I want to either watch pee or watch me while I pee. MY BRAIN.

52. What is a rumour someone has spread about you?
I'm a crazy lunatic who cuts open squirrels and smears strange shapes onto the ground using their blood. Also, I cut myself. Oh, high school.

53. How do you feel about carrots?
Carrots are... carroty? I dunno, this is a stupid question.

54. How many chairs at the dining room table?
We... don't have one? Our kitchen table has four chairs and a bench.

55. Which is the best Spice Girl?
The best who what now? I was born in 1993.

56. Do you know what time it is?

57. Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song?
...............Is that the show that had the nerdy kid named Urkel?

58. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
Jump up and down a lot, probably. MAYBE I CAN DISLODGE IT.

59. What’s your favourite kind of gum?
Any that doesn't lose its taste and go grey and mealy after thirty seconds.

60. T or F: All’s fair in love and war?
FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE. Love should never, EVER be an excuse to hurt someone. And war? War, by definition, is about getting an unfair advantage over your opponent so you "win". There's nothing fair about violence.

61. Do you have a crush on anyone?

62. Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
But... but by knowing how to use them, wouldn't that imply some understanding of the definition? AUGH, MY HEAD.

63. Do you like to sleep?
why are so many of these sleep-related, IT'S TAUNTING ME ISN'T IT

64. Do you know which US states don’t use Daylight Savings Time?
Arizona and Hawaii!

65. Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?
No, but I DO know there's a joke about Zuko associated with that song.

66. Do you want a bright yellow ‘06 mustang?
Fuck, at this point I'd take any car at all.

67. What’s something you’ve always wanted?
Emo thing: Somone in real life I don't have to hide a part of myself from.

Awesome thing: A chance to make my own cartoon. I WANNA BE BRYKE.

68. Do you have hairy LEGS?
Do you have problems with CAPITALIZATION?

Yeah, in winter. I ski a lot and it's one more layer between me and the cold. Besides, nobody wears shorts in winter anyways, so why the hell would you bother shaving?

69. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
Mmm.... probably the ocean.

70. Do you wear a lot of black?
I.... I guess?

71. Describe your hair:
Short - like, above-my-ears short - and wavy, so it curls up off my face. It's dirty blonde and kind of fluffy.

72. Do you have Entomophobia?
The only bugs that freak me out are those fucking house centipedes. SO FAST, SO MANY LEGS, AHHHH

73. Are you an adult?
The fact that I want this question to be phrased "Are you AN ADUUUUUUUUUULT?!" should give you my answer. :3

74. Where is/are your best friend(s)?
New York, getting ready for a senior year without me. BAAAWWWWW.

75. Do you have a tan?

76. Are you a television addict?
Interesting question. I'm addicted to certain TV shows - obviously A:TLA, and I like some other ones, too. But TV in general bores me to tears. It's all the same!

77. Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?
Haha, um. Nope.

78. Are you a sugar freak?
I'm more of a salt person.

79. Do you like orange juice?
When it doesn't have pulp.

80. What sign are you?
WHAT A BORING QUESTION TO END ON. Capricorn - my birthday is December 23rd. It sucks.

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