Title: Her Majesty's Knights Feature: Arashi, Jun/Nino, Sho/Ohno, Aiba/ofc, Jun/ofc Summary: A stagnant country, a dying queen, four knights, feuding gods and Jun who was but a normal human from Earth.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I don't want to make empty promises. One day maybe sorry there will be a sequel. lol, doesn't sound very convincing. Still, thanks a lot!
So unusual and so damn interesting. Even though you wrote a part for every knight I would have loved to read the past that would lead to their decision. Especially Sho's and Ohno's past. (Yama love bias ) Thanks for sharing.
Wow. If ever one day you'll write the series I know it'll going to be epic, something that I can keep close to my heart forever because I see the potential of a great story line here. Ahhh now I want to know everything, how Jun will going to save the land, the eventual matsumiya, Aiba and his queen, and also the yama pair (in which I was quite surprise that Sho was a king). You have talent in writing medieval type story and that kind of story is lacking in the Arashi ficdom so I hope one day you'll continue writing this. I love this so much^^
Thank you so much for your encouragement! I do wish that there were more Arashi in medieval times or even just in a fictitious verse. Thank you for reading and commenting! :)
This is a great plot and I'm sure it will turn into something wonderful once you get to write it fully. There are just so many things going on there and you have me hooked right from the very beginning. Thanks for sharing~
There's definitely so much happening at once that at times it could be confusing. I'm glad it got you hooked. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
You wrote it beautifully dear. But I feel so broken about Matsumiya also Aiba and the queen. Sho abandon his crown and left with Satoshi was kinda surprising. All of their past seems so complicated. It's full of angst but so beautiful. If you can make it into, it will be so interesting, 'cause with just this one shot, you left me a lot of question mark in my head. LoL Btw thanks for sharing~ :)
Comments 17
seriously, please consider a series~~ *bats eyelashes*
I don't want to make empty promises. One day maybe sorry there will be a sequel. lol, doesn't sound very convincing. Still, thanks a lot!
Thanks for sharing.
I love this so much^^
There are just so many things going on there and you have me hooked right from the very beginning.
Thanks for sharing~
But I feel so broken about Matsumiya also Aiba and the queen.
Sho abandon his crown and left with Satoshi was kinda surprising.
All of their past seems so complicated.
It's full of angst but so beautiful.
If you can make it into, it will be so interesting, 'cause with just this one shot, you left me a lot of question mark in my head. LoL
Btw thanks for sharing~ :)
Thank you so much for reading and always commenting! <3<3
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