Jan 15, 2006 22:29
The obnoxious sound of bereavement coming from a long-lost lover is really starting to annoy me. Unfortunately, I have no other choice but to read this melancholic cry for a purpose and meaning for his life because goddamn live journal presents his latest posts to me on my “friends” page. Furthering my adversity, I’m too fucking computer-illiterate to dismember this certain someone from my friend-list. Can anyone help me?
In other news, I'm quite content with my life! Although, I feel like a big fat-ass because I haven't been to the gym in 4 days, and Publix was having a sale on Krispy-Kremes which I could not turn down.
After consuming 8 beers, 4 long-island ice teas, a glass of wine, and a margarita this weekend, I have come to realize that I might be an alcoholic... (Damn-it! I've given up smoking this year. You can't take this crutch away from me too).